Groupon Wrigley Field

Wrigley Field Attendance

The Cubs had plenty of gimmicks going on last night to help woo in the masses.They honored Andre Dawson before the game and they gave out free hats. Plus, they had a peanut-free suite set up for the kiddies with the nut allergies. But I guess that, and some awesome weather, just didn't matter cause the attendance was 29,538. I did a quick google and that was the lowest attendance since September of 2006, when they sucked as well.

I wasn't part of that total. Instead, I got my Groupon on and headed up to a rooftop. The place was crazy packed and I'm sure it was only because of the sweet deal most everybody got. Maybe they should have a Groupon deal for inside Wrigley Field. I'm bettin they'll be pulling in close to 30K the rest of the season if they don't.


What's wrong with this picture?

First off, I take back everything bad I ever said about Ryan Dempster. The kid is solid. Gives the Cubbies quality starts almost every time out and really has pitched much better than 12 and 8.

Second, it’s really hard to get that haunting image of the empty bleachers that Wayne posted last week out of my head. Reason being that large numbers of Cubs fans continue to show up at away games to see their lovable losers. So what’s up with the home games? Seems to me that Wrigley has lost some of its Field of Dreams magic and has become almost too much reality.

You know how everyone loves music but hates the recording industry? Lord knows that baseball has always had that same conflict between baseball the game and baseball the business. Wrigley once transported us beyond the business and into the joys of the games. But now the signs of “revenue generation” and a feeling that anything and everything is for sale have crept into the Friendly Confines. And for some, given the Cubbies struggles on the field, it may all just be too hard to take.

Like Paul Simon wrote: Hard times, I’m used to that. A spinning planet burns, I’m used to that. My life’s so common it disappears. But sometimes, even music cannot substitute for tears.


Wrigley Nut Free Tonight

Well I'll tell ya - back in my day we worked hard to put three square meals on the table. And no one complained about the food being healthy or makin' em fat. You ate it, and you liked it. Well, you may not have liked it - but you ate it anyway.

These days not only do people complain about everything - turns out they can't eat half of the food out there.

Back in my day I didn't know of anyone who was allergic to peanuts. I can't recall a single soul. But apparently it is some sort of epidemic. Everything to do with kids these days is nut-free: school, parties, snacks, and now: Wrigley Field.

The Cubs announced that for tonight's meaningless game against the Pittsburg Pirates - one of the few teams worse than the Cubs - they are setting aside the "batter's eye" box in centerfield for all those kiddies with nut allergies.

I've never been invited into that private club, and I sure the heck ain't allergic to no peanuts - so I won't be heading there tonight.
If I do get a chance to go to the game it'll be to see the Cubs honor Expo Hall of Famer Andre - The Hawk - Dawson.

Tootsie's Of The Week

I'm gonna go ahead and interrupt the scheduled "purdy shot of the week" with a pretty picture of my own.
I don't think anyone will mind.

A Word From Our Sponsor

Because apparently you can't do anything these days without a sponsor, they announced today that the upcoming football game to be played at Wrigley field will have someone's name on the logo: All-state Insurance.

Here is a look at that trusty logo for the deal as well as the seating chart for the game - the first college football game played at Wrigley Field in 87 years.

Moving Day for Harry Caray

Yesterday was moving day for Harry Caray's statue. Here are some photographs of the process - from digging him out at his original spot at Addison and Sheffield to - hopefully - his final resting spot in front of the Bleachers.

I hope to make it to the game next Wednesday, September 1st. They say the Cubs plan on rededicating the statue before their 7:05 game vs the Pittsburgh Pirates.

Harry Caray Statue Video

My grandson Jeremy was able to put this video together from yesterday's move of the Harry Caray statue. Harry's old spot at the corner of Addison and Sheffield will soon be occupied by a new monument to Cubs great Billy Williams. Harry's new spot is right in front of the Bleachers - a location we here at the Wrigley Blog felt he always belonged.

Alan Trammell & RBI

I remember my grandson used to love playing the game RBI on his first Nintendo. Each player was ranked in speed and contact.
I wonder if Bench Coach Trammell ever brags about the fact that he was A speed and A contact, only Paul Molitor could say the same.

Does he also think Marlon Byrd is built like an RBI player?

I'm guessing Coach Trammell talks about this often with the current Cubbies.

And I'm certain, now that he has been told that he won't ever be the Cubs manager, he can forget about the stress of that job and the fact that he has a horrible record as a manager. Now he can focus on discussing and showcasing his A speed and A contact.

From what I hear, he is able to use his A contact to fungo a popfly straight-up to the catcher, then use his A speed to run to first base and back, pick up his fungo and hit the catcher in the back of the heel, thus distracting the catcher from making the catch.

alan trammell rbi

Harry Prep

As soon as the Cubs left for the Nation's Capitol - work began on transplanting the Harry Caray statue. He's being moved to in front of the Bleachers to make room for a new monument to Cubs great Billy Williams.

Let me tell ya, they're not exactly cooking with gas. You'd think that between the dozen or so hardhats on site that they could knock it out in half a day. In three days they have removed some bricks, built a temp wall and dug up some dirt. Guess they've got more supervisors than they do laborers.

harry caray statue 1

harry caray statue 2

harry caray statue 3

harry caray statue 4

Who's This Mike Quade?

Grandpa and the boys put me in charge of finding out the 411 on the Cubbies new manager: Mike Quade.

Wikipedia, here I come.

This was Mike Quade's fourth season as the Cubbie third base coach. As of Monday he is the 51st manager in Cubs history.

Before that he has been a first base coach for the A's and a Minor League manager for the Iowa Cubs, Vancouver Canadians (where they won the AAA World Series), Águilas Cibaeñas (where they won the Caribbean World Series), and the West Michigan Whitecaps (league champs). He was Manager of the Year with the Harrisburg Senators and Ottawa Lynx, and also managed the Rockford Expos, Scranton Red Barrons, Huntsville Stars and the Edmonton Trappers. Man, the dude has been around the block.

He had a 1,213-1,165 record as a Minor League manager.

Jim Hendry must like him, because he interviewed Quade for the Cubs manager spot in '06.

He is from Evanston, IL

He is 53.

And, it appears, that he doesn't have eyebrows.
From what I can tell, his entire head is hairless... kinda weird.

UPDATE: Turns out the dude has something called alopecia areata.. I appologize

Godspeed Sweet Lou

I watched on the news last night and heard about Lou Piniella's retirement following Sunday's game.

That was quite a drubbing they took at the hands of D. Lee and the Braves.

I wish him all the best and hope Lou's ailing mother goes peacefully.


A Picture's Worth A Thousand Words

2010 Cubs

They say a picture is worth a thousand words, but let me add a few facts to this photograph so that perhaps you can appreciate it a bit more.

If you take a gander at the clock - it is 1:20 - game time. If you count the number of fans in the bleachers - well, I counted 15. The "paid" attendance for this game against the San Diego Padres was a then season-low 33,267. The following day's attendance was 30,687.

And for the record. It was a beautiful day to catch a baseball game.

Harry's Headin To The Bleachers

The paper says here that the Cubs braintrust plans on moving the Harry Caray statue. They are relocating him from where he has stood since he was unveiling in 1999 - near the corner of Addison and Sheffield - to a new location in front of the bleachers.

Harry's old spot is being given to a new statue of Cubs great Billy Williams. That new monument to Sweet-Swinging Mr. Williams will be dedicated on September 7th.

All of this is well and good - gives us Cubs fans something to focus on besides our mediocre team, but apparently Mrs. Harry Caray is none too happy with the decision. Dutchie was scheduled to sing the 7th inning stretch on Monday but declined the invitation after word of the statue swap.

By the way - I had my employment-challenged grandson mock up this photograph. Took him three days and I swear it is out of scale, but what are you going to do? I apologize.

Derrek The Domino

wrigley field banner

Well sir, it looks like the end of another era at Wrigley Field. Derrek Lee was traded away Wednesday to the Atlanta Braves.

These days, being on the same team for more than a season or two seems like a lifetime - ol' D.Lee has been a constant in our lineup for the last seven.

I tell you what - the way things have been going for the Cubs this season - I would not be surprised if he isn't the only veteran to be shown the door. Only Ramirez, Zambrano and Dempster have been with this club for as long.

So long Mr. Lee.

A Perfect Storm

I happened to watch this fishing movie the other night. It went by the name "A Perfect Storm". And it was an awful movie.

I kind of thought about that movie again last night - watching the Cubs play on WGN.

This team - this season has been darn near perfect at disappointing. And more that that, you now have got yourself the situation where more fans for the other team are taking over the stadium - that and fools showing up only for the "good time". I heard one fella say that they tried to start The Wave in the bleachers.

You get enough fools and Padre fans in there and you're gonna start to see nothing but Waves and Beach Balls being batted around. Mark my word.

Purdy Shot for the Week 6

I call this beaut: Wispy Wednesday

Sloop Purdy

Oh, You Mean The BIG Noodle

Grandpa wrote a post recently about these "do not climb the noodle" signs next to the giant Wrigley Mac'n Cheese. A few days after that one of the signs was smashed into pieces. Maybe they should've put up a sign next to that one saying "don't break the noodle sign" LOL!!!

They did replace the sign with a new and improved version. Check it:

Looks like the first generation sign was causing confusion. "Noodle, what noodle??.... OH!! You mean the BIG noodle!! Yeah, I'll stay off of that."

Too bad it kinda looks like a giant cheese covered saddle... Just waiting to be ridden.

Ticket Available? Yessir

Only good thing about the Cubs having a mediocre year: plenty of tickets available.
I spent a lovely afternoon in the bleachers the other day surrounded by so many beauties.

My personal winner for the "best tootsies" goes to this gal in the Cubs sandals... although, I wouldn't kick her friend out of bed for eating peanuts, if you know what I mean.

wrigley feet

The Curse Opens by Wrigley

Looks like a new bar opened up down the street from Wrigley.

It is where Moxie was. Moxie was a lame name. The new place is called: THE CURSE. Doubly Lame.

Now I'm Getting Angry

I can take a lot. 
I can take the losing - and there has been plenty of losing. 
I can take the advertisements - and they've added more than their fair share.
I can take them playing taped music instead of using the organ.
I can even take a giant noodle out front. 
But now - I am getting angry.

You see, to me Wrigley Field is more than just a baseball stadium. She's a cathedral - a place of worship, and she deserves to be treated with respect.

Like I said - I can take a lot, but what I cannot take - what is really cranking my chain is right here outside of GATE D.  
Please, for the love of GOD, get rid of this green garden hose you've got strung all willy-nilly down the side of our beloved Wrigley Field.
It just chaps my hide to see this everyday when I walk by. 

Want The Ball!

My advice to Ryan Theriot as he starts in LA; avoid praying during games "god... please don't let the ball come to me".

After sitting through a Cubs/Cards game a few weeks ago in which Theriot dropped a flyball and booted two others it was clear he's got to start wanting the ball to come his way. I'm guessing Torre has already told him that when you ask god for the ball not to come to you guess where it's going.

Retiring The Hawk's Number 8?

The paper says here the Cubs are making plans to honor The Hawk - Andre Dawson - on Aug. 30. Maybe to retire his no. 8. They host the Pirates that evening.
Mr. Dawson was recently inducted into the Baseball Hall of Fame, but went in as an Expo.

The Brat Stops Here

Those brat-eatin cheese lovers from up north did, in fact, stop by Wrigley Field this week.

And they kicked our butts 2 out of 3 games.

The 5 Stages of Ted Lilly Grief

Here are some twitter pallys going thru the five stages of grief following the Cubbies trade of Theodore Roosevelt Lilly III:

Denial- Usually our first reaction to the loss of something we're attached to, is denial:

Anger- This stage of grief is probably the cause of the most pain:

Bargaining- Where we try to make deals to gain back what we lost:

Depression- The most dangerous stage of grief:

Acceptance- A decision to be at peace with the way things are:

Another Banner Loss

This weekend the Cubs traded away Ted Lilly - along with Ryan Theriot, and a suitcase full of cash - to The Los Angeles Dodgers for one Blake Dewitt, and minor league arms Brett Wallach and Kyle Smit.
The Opening Day banners are down two from the start. Ryan Theriot wasn't even good enough to put his picture up, so I reckon that part of the deal won't cause too much of a ruckus around here. 
This might end up being the last of the original 8 bannered players to leave. I doubt they are going to find a taker for Soriano or Zambrano. Lee seems desperate to stay, and Marmol is young. They have to keep Ramirez if he wants to stay and Dempster... well, he is a nice Canadian lad and I hope he sticks around.