The Curse Opens by Wrigley

Looks like a new bar opened up down the street from Wrigley.

It is where Moxie was. Moxie was a lame name. The new place is called: THE CURSE. Doubly Lame.


  1. I saw this place when I was in town last week, and thought the same thing..."WTF?!?" that's like dropping a bar called "The Babe" across the street from Fenway Park in the 90s, makes no sense and who would want to commiserate in a joint that says "we think this sh*t is cute?" I can see the drink specials: "Bartman Blast" "Santo's Black Cat Ale" "Sianis Sauce Wings" mentioned in your tweet, out of town opposition fans can gather there and then we can get tables back at our favorite places!

  2. I could see a Latroy Hawkins drink that makes you wonder if you drank manure.

  3. Or the "five outs away" drinks that have something in them that makes you poop/pee down your leg.
