Second, it’s really hard to get that haunting image of the empty bleachers that Wayne posted last week out of my head. Reason being that large numbers of Cubs fans continue to show up at away games to see their lovable losers. So what’s up with the home games? Seems to me that Wrigley has lost some of its Field of Dreams magic and has become almost too much reality.
You know how everyone loves music but hates the recording industry? Lord knows that baseball has always had that same conflict between baseball the game and baseball the business. Wrigley once transported us beyond the business and into the joys of the games. But now the signs of “revenue generation” and a feeling that anything and everything is for sale have crept into the Friendly Confines. And for some, given the Cubbies struggles on the field, it may all just be too hard to take.
Like Paul Simon wrote: Hard times, I’m used to that. A spinning planet burns, I’m used to that. My life’s so common it disappears. But sometimes, even music cannot substitute for tears.
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