Now I'm Getting Angry

I can take a lot. 
I can take the losing - and there has been plenty of losing. 
I can take the advertisements - and they've added more than their fair share.
I can take them playing taped music instead of using the organ.
I can even take a giant noodle out front. 
But now - I am getting angry.

You see, to me Wrigley Field is more than just a baseball stadium. She's a cathedral - a place of worship, and she deserves to be treated with respect.

Like I said - I can take a lot, but what I cannot take - what is really cranking my chain is right here outside of GATE D.  
Please, for the love of GOD, get rid of this green garden hose you've got strung all willy-nilly down the side of our beloved Wrigley Field.
It just chaps my hide to see this everyday when I walk by. 


  1. That hose has been there for over a month. WTF

  2. Hey, my backyard hose went missing a little over a month ago...if I knew, I would have grabbed it when I was there last week! DAMN!!
