This here is just like that saying about rearranging the deck chairs on the Titanic.
While the Cubs where busy disappointing the faithful with bad baseball - the braintrust in charge of Wrigley Field was busy worrying about advertisement.
One of them geniuses must've decided that the location of the neon sign for a luxury skybox just wasn't good enough. I guess they thought us have-nots might miss who is sponsoring the thing.
So, they moved the sign.
Nice work boys!
So now that you've got this taken care of - how's about you start worrying about this disappointing team.
Guys Night Out
Last night me and Tex hooked it up with some box seats at Wrigley. Don't know how old boy managed to pull off the tickets, but it was pretty sweet: Killer view and the V.I.P. treatment.
Only problem was that we had to split the suite with a bunch of 40ish lawyers out on a "guys night out." They were cool enough to drink with until they stuck Tex with the bill for the dessert cart. Lame.

Only problem was that we had to split the suite with a bunch of 40ish lawyers out on a "guys night out." They were cool enough to drink with until they stuck Tex with the bill for the dessert cart. Lame.
cubs game
Baseball Heaven
This here is the latest billboard from the old Torco spot:
Welcome to Baseball Heaven - I could not agree more. And as much as I do appreciate that big banner, I just wish that bit of truth didn't have to be an ad to try and get me to buy something. And I wish it wasn't sponsored by a company partially owned by foreigners.
Don't get me wrong. I enjoy a Miller's Lite as much - if not more - as the next guy. Only good thing is this big ad is on the outside of the park instead of in it.
Welcome to Baseball Heaven - I could not agree more. And as much as I do appreciate that big banner, I just wish that bit of truth didn't have to be an ad to try and get me to buy something. And I wish it wasn't sponsored by a company partially owned by foreigners.
Don't get me wrong. I enjoy a Miller's Lite as much - if not more - as the next guy. Only good thing is this big ad is on the outside of the park instead of in it.
Poor Ol Gary Pressy

This might be "last weeks news" but I wanted to go over the last 70 years of history first before discussing what has recently occurred inside of Wrigley Field. You probably didn't know that the first Major League ballpark to use an organ was right down the street here.
That beautiful sound has been an integral part of the experience at Wrigley Field almost ever since.
While every other Major League ballpark went to taped music, organist Gary Pressy has kept tickling the ivory for the millions of fans who pay good money to see something special inside of the Friendly Confines. Well sir, like a lot of things lately, that has changed this year. Now Wrigley Field is just like every other ballpark; playing taped "jams" and "groves" for players as they walk up to the plate. Poor ol' Gary Pressy is left to play his sweet, sweet music only during commercial breaks.
gary pressy,
wrigley field
Captain Morgan Work
Walking by The Stadium the other day - I noticed that they were doing some work on that gal-awful Captain Morgan Club. My hope was that they had wised up and decided to take the dang thing down. On my morning walk the next day I realized that they had just taken the windows out for the summer. Dadnabbit.

Here's What's Wrong With The Bleachers
I don't feel like restating my disgust for The Wave, but I do have another bone to pick with the current state of affairs in the bleachers. Just take a look at this photograph from last weeks game. Look how many of these youngsters are fiddling with their phones instead of fiddling with their beers or fiddling with each other, or .... I don't know, watching the gall-dern game!

wrigley field bleachers
Creepiest Cubs Mascot?
The Cubbies don't have an "official" mascot, but they do have a few characters that hang around the ballpark and do their best to root, root for the home team AND kind of creep everybody out.
Here are the four I've spotted this season, and I wanted to put it to a vote so there is a poll on the top right of the blog.
Your candidates for the Creepiest Cubs Mascot are:
#1 - Billy Cub

Not sure who this dude is, but if you google him you get an article titled: The Chicago Cubs Have an Unofficial Mascot… And He Is NOT a Pervert. My favorite aspect of this guy: his igloo cooler that he uses to collect tips.
#2 - The Hot Dog Guy

This mess of a mascot isn't even trying to work for the Cubbies, but I love the dude so I'm throwin him in anyway. He walks around trying get people to go to the Full Shilling up on Clark... when he isn't in the crapper, that is.
#3 Ivy Man

To be honest, I don't know a lot about this guy. He seems tall, likes to dress like the ivy and he generally just gives me the creeps.
#4 Ronnie Woo Woo

Most people who have gone to Wrigley know about Ronnie. He is homeless, somehow gets into every game, and the dude Woo! Woo! Woo's! wherever he goes. He got a little less creepy when the Cubs donated front teeth to him years ago, but still: a little creepy.
Here are the four I've spotted this season, and I wanted to put it to a vote so there is a poll on the top right of the blog.
Your candidates for the Creepiest Cubs Mascot are:
#1 - Billy Cub

Not sure who this dude is, but if you google him you get an article titled: The Chicago Cubs Have an Unofficial Mascot… And He Is NOT a Pervert. My favorite aspect of this guy: his igloo cooler that he uses to collect tips.
#2 - The Hot Dog Guy

This mess of a mascot isn't even trying to work for the Cubbies, but I love the dude so I'm throwin him in anyway. He walks around trying get people to go to the Full Shilling up on Clark... when he isn't in the crapper, that is.
#3 Ivy Man

To be honest, I don't know a lot about this guy. He seems tall, likes to dress like the ivy and he generally just gives me the creeps.
#4 Ronnie Woo Woo

Most people who have gone to Wrigley know about Ronnie. He is homeless, somehow gets into every game, and the dude Woo! Woo! Woo's! wherever he goes. He got a little less creepy when the Cubs donated front teeth to him years ago, but still: a little creepy.
cubs mascot
Greatest Post Ever ! ! !
I spent yesterday afternoon drinking heavily under the hot sun in the bleachers. I know we sang "Go Cubs Go" but the rest is a bit fuzzy. My sunburn and empty wallet are about all I've got to show for it.
My pally Tex on the other hand, he stayed home to watch the game. And I'll get to that in a second.
Now I think anyone who's watched the Cubbies knows that one of the best parts of a broadcast is the Fan-Cam. I love these camera guys because they scan the crowd looking for some hotties to zoom in on, and they will throw their shot up out of nowhere.
Here is where Tex comes in: He spotted what has to be the greatest Fan-Cam shot of all time. The dude hit pause, took a pic and hooked a brotha up! Check it:

The Greatest Thing Ever!
My pally Tex on the other hand, he stayed home to watch the game. And I'll get to that in a second.
Now I think anyone who's watched the Cubbies knows that one of the best parts of a broadcast is the Fan-Cam. I love these camera guys because they scan the crowd looking for some hotties to zoom in on, and they will throw their shot up out of nowhere.
Here is where Tex comes in: He spotted what has to be the greatest Fan-Cam shot of all time. The dude hit pause, took a pic and hooked a brotha up! Check it:

The Greatest Thing Ever!
I was elected to post to the blog today. Instead I am currently sitting in the bleachers. And I'm currently drunk. I appologize.
This is Jeremy btw.

This is Jeremy btw.
Giant Noodle Invades Wrigley Field
Anyone else have a hankering for some Mac-N-Cheese?
You gotta hand it to the Cubs front office - they are quick learners.
They saw how difficult it was to install a Toyota Sign after telling everyone about it before hand. So with their next ad - they just threw it up... and it kind of makes me want to throw up.
That there monstrosity on Clark Street is an advertisement for Kraft Mac-N-Cheese. Why in god's name it would make people want to eat that junk is beyond me. But I have a feeling this is just the tip of the advertising iceberg. Part of the Ricketts braintrust was quoted in the paper as saying - "We’ll continue to generate incremental revenue for the ballclub so we can continue to help the performance on the field,” Good luck with that.
wrigley field advertisement
Just One Old Man's Opinion
In the early 80's when the Tribune took over the Cubs I wasn't sure what they were going to do to our beloved Wrigley Field. They added the message board and did some minor things like building the gift shop etc but for the most part they left Wrigley as it was, which to me is perfect.
Now as I stroll by the field and see this ridiculous red Toyota sign I am filled with anger, disgust and am ashamed of our ownership. Do they not understand that Wrigley is beloved by so many for other reasons besides winning pennants? We love Wrigley because it is pure, it is baseball as it was meant to be. Now we have this sign and I wonder about the future of our field. And it is our field. We have sat through years of mediocrity, years of thinking wait til' next year. And for this new owner to come in and allow a car company to put up a sign really scares the heck out of me.
It's hard enough to watch certain members of our team play with no heart, no love for the logo on their jersey (not saying any names but 3rd and LF!). Now we have this stinking red sign to look at? I pray the our owner will take down the sign and realize he owns sacred ground, treat it that way.

Now as I stroll by the field and see this ridiculous red Toyota sign I am filled with anger, disgust and am ashamed of our ownership. Do they not understand that Wrigley is beloved by so many for other reasons besides winning pennants? We love Wrigley because it is pure, it is baseball as it was meant to be. Now we have this sign and I wonder about the future of our field. And it is our field. We have sat through years of mediocrity, years of thinking wait til' next year. And for this new owner to come in and allow a car company to put up a sign really scares the heck out of me.
It's hard enough to watch certain members of our team play with no heart, no love for the logo on their jersey (not saying any names but 3rd and LF!). Now we have this stinking red sign to look at? I pray the our owner will take down the sign and realize he owns sacred ground, treat it that way.

wrigley field
Mr. Lilly's No-Hit Bid
Hard to throw a no-no with a neon lookin' sign staring at your back.
Obviously the baseball gods wanted to make a point.
ted lilly,
wrigley field toyota sign
Purdy Shot of the Week
I don't recall when I took this simply gorgeous photograph.
But it had to have been awhile back because it was following a Cubs Win.

Sloop Purdy
But it had to have been awhile back because it was following a Cubs Win.

Sloop Purdy
Purdy Shot
Ain't Happenin'

Was snoozin the other day while my grandkids were watchin some damm movie about goin through time in a car that you stick trash in the fuel tank. The boys said that they went all the way to the year 2015 to make this movie. I knew this movie was out there, what with all the food hydrators, wearin 2 ties at once, but when they showed that the Cubs would win the series that year, I made them turn the TV off. Those kids don't need to be watchin somethin so far fetched.
I told em, "Boys, in 5 years, there ain't gonna be no flyin cars, and there ain't gonna be no damm Cubs team winnin the Series! Now go outside and play" Damm kids...
I will say, there was one good scene in that movie where the mom gets a new rack. After the kids left I fired the VCR back up and just paused it on those.
Toyota Sign Just In Time For BP Cup

The powers that be have installed the GIANT Toyota Sign just in time for the BP Crosstown Cup. In case you haven't been following Cubs news: the Toyota Sign went through a number of hoops down at City Hall, but was ultimately approved - yesterday. The installation started immediately. Now, the BP Crosstown Cup is the new name for the bi-annual Cubs v. White Sox series. Some used to refer to it as the "crosstown classic", but the Cubs signed a three year sponsorship deal with BP a few months back to make a few extra bucks out of the deal.
In case you haven't been following the REAL news: Toyota and BP haven't had too good of a year. Toyota had some "sudden acceleration" issues that killed many people - dead. And British Petroleum, well looks like they even topped that. A few days after "The Cup" deal was struck, a rig exploded and began spewing oil in the Gulf of Mexico. Last I checked... they still haven't fixed that leak.
So, congratulations to the Chicago Cubs for being sponsored by two foreign owned, nationally (and locally) despised, corporations. Play Ball.
Blackhawks WIN!
Did you see that game last night? Effing awesome, yo!!!
Blackhawks Win The Stanley Cup !!!
Now I have witnessed every single sports team from Chicago win a championship.
Da Bears, Da Bulls, The Sox and now The Blackhawks.
Great time to be alive in Chi-Town!!
UPDATE: I forgot to mention the Cubs originally. I'm not counting them... We all know they are cursed so they don't count.
Blackhawks Win The Stanley Cup !!!
Now I have witnessed every single sports team from Chicago win a championship.
Da Bears, Da Bulls, The Sox and now The Blackhawks.
Great time to be alive in Chi-Town!!
UPDATE: I forgot to mention the Cubs originally. I'm not counting them... We all know they are cursed so they don't count.
Wrigley Field Celebrates Blackhawks Win
Last night the Blackhawks won the Stanley Cup. The folks at the Stadium were kind enough to show their hockey pride.
I'll tell you what - it is days like today that makes me wonder what it would be like if Wrigley Field actually hosted a champion.

I'll tell you what - it is days like today that makes me wonder what it would be like if Wrigley Field actually hosted a champion.
Happy Birthday Grandpa!!!

Today is my Grandpa's Birthday. Grandpa Wayne might be getting up there in the years, but he is totally with it and says some funny stuff. The dude is awesome to be around. Oh, and did I mention that he is single too! So, if any lovely ladies out there have a grandma looking to double date with the Buckner boys... I'm just sayin' LOL!
Tell granny that I'm sure ol' Wayne likes to roll just like his birthdate: 6/9!! LMAO!
Anyway, kinda sucks that the Cubbies aren't in town today. Would be pretty sweet to take the ol' timer to a game. But we will get him in there soon.
Happy Birthday Grandpa Wayne!!
Happy Birthday
Purdy Shot of the Week 4
Seeing that it's the eve of the City Council's vote on allowing that outfield signage, I thought it would be appropriate to showcase a photograph from a few years back. This gem is from probably ten or so years ago; before becoming the Bud Light Bleachers and before Toyota announced its presence in left field. Kerry Wood was due to pitch, the Cubs were in dead last, and it was a cold, majestic night.

Purdy Shot
The Cubs Are The Red Sox: Flawed Logic

When discussing adding advertisement to Wrigley Field, Cubs Chairman Tom Ricketts likes to bring up Fenway Park in Boston. "As you know, Major League ballparks have historically relied on in-park signage to generate revenue. Legendary Fenway Park, older than Wrigley Field, has added significant signage throughout its outfield - and two World Series championships - in the last six years."
So, The Red Sox added some ads and next thing you know:
World Series Champions!
Can I tell you a couple of other things the Boston Red Sox added that the Cubs don't currently have, besides that all important signage. They added a guy who could pick up a stolen base when the entire season depended on it. They added a pitcher who could get a win when you could not lose and do it with blood coming out from his ankle. They added set-up men that could set-up and a closer who could close. They added roll players who stepped up in the clutch and star players who played beyond their giant salaries. These, and signage, are things the Cubs do not currently have.
fenway park,
wrigley field
Blackhawk Fever
How do you know your baseball team isn't playing very well?
When they take down every souvenir that mentions your team out of the window and replace it with the hockey teams stuff. This shop is directly across from Wrigley Field, by the way.

When they take down every souvenir that mentions your team out of the window and replace it with the hockey teams stuff. This shop is directly across from Wrigley Field, by the way.
around wrigley field
My Least Favorite Tom Ricketts Quotes

The Toyota Sign will be up soon. I guarantee you that.
In the meantime, I have compiled my least favorite quotes said by Tom Ricketts and his lackeys in defense of the advertisement.
"Revenue generated by the sign will help us maintain Wrigley Field for the next generation, This does not in any way destroy the character or the charm of Wrigley Field... This is a national treasure. We’re not doing anything at all to hurt that.” - Tom Ricketts, Cubs Chairman
“This is more than just a sign to us, it’s a multimillion dollar revenue opportunity, It also helps us generate the revenue that we need to maintain and improve Wrigley Field as a whole. These revenues are absolutely critical to us.” - Tom Ricketts
"Future investment in projects in the Wrigleyville community hinges on the approval of the sign. I have a lot of other dollars that can be invested in Wrigleyville, or not." - Tom Ricketts
“We are at a big competitive disadvantage if we cannot generate incremental sponsorship revenue in a tasteful manner that helps preserve Wrigley Field.” Wally Hayward, Cubs Executive Vice-President for Sales and Marketing
“We worked to create a sign and logo that would fit into the fabric of Wrigley Field,” - Wally Hayward
"The delay with the sign is disappointing because it reduces the resources needed by us to invest in the things that make Wrigley Field special," Mike Lufrano, Senior Vice President for Community Affairs
mr. ricketts,
wrigley field toyota sign
Toyota Sign Worth $800K Per Year

Almost every report about this Toyota Sign that the City Council is going to approve next week says it is worth about $2.5 million per year. And I'd be willing to bet that of those Cubs fans that are actually OK with the decision most think it is worth it for that amount of money. That is $2.5 million that can be used to A. bring in more talent to win or B. update Wrigley Field. Mr. Ricketts and his staff sure make us all think it is worth it. He said “It is a considerable amount of money. It is money that we can raise without changing ticket prices or charging more for food. It’s the right way to bring more revenue to the park.”
But here is the problem. Turns out that that Toyota Sign probably isn't worth $2.5 million per year. After talking to a few local newspaper men - that were kindly enough to write me back - it sure does look like it is worth about a third of what we've been believing. There is at least enough here to raise my doubts.
A Sun-Times reporter wrote - "One expert says up to $2.5 million a year. Others say $2.5 million over three years. Cubs haven't revealed for sure."
A Tribune reporter wrote - "Tom Ricketts told me the Toyota sponsorship was worth $2 - $2.5 million over three years."
A gentleman at Crain's Chicago Business wrote - "I think this is one of those things that got reported once, on unnamed sources, and has simply been repeated over and over. I've always reported $2+ million per year."
Another Crain's reporter wrote - "I believe is $2.5 over 3 years. That seems low to me considering all the fuss it is causing. I initially thought it was $2 million per year, but have been since told otherwise."
So - my question is: How many of you would support putting up that giant advertisement for only $800,000 a year? I don't see how that is going to help bring in talent or do much to renovate Wrigley Field.
I'll tell ya - personally I thought it was just a drop in the bucket before, and not worth it. But this - this is beyond peanuts. I don't agree with Mr. Ricketts that this is a considerable enough amount of money. Not sure what amount would make it worth all this trouble, but the equivalent of Alfonso Soriano's salary for 7 games ain't it. I've said it before - that advertisement is going to be standing in the outfield a heck of a lot longer than he will be. It's probably gonna be standing there long after I'm gone as well.
wrigley field toyota sign
That Toyota Sign Is Giving Me A Headache

The full Chicago City Council is set to take a final vote on that dang Toyota Sign next Wednesday - June 9th. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that they are going to approve it and install that thing quicker than a duck on a june bug. But apparently you have to be some sort of mathematician to figure out exactly how much this thing is going to rake in for Mr. Ricketts and the Cubs.
Every article I have read has said something a little bit different - From "as much as $2.5 million annually" to "more than $2 million a year" but also I read that it "could be worth more than $2 million to the team OVER the next three years". That last one sound a bit different from the rest. If I were to tell you that I enjoyed 24 Miller's Lites over the last three days - wouldn't you think that meant that I averaged about 8 a day for a total of 24 deliciously frost barley pops ?
With some help from my grandson, I emailed some reporters and one fella from the Tribune wrote back to me that "Tom Ricketts told me the Toyota sponsorship was worth 2-2.5 million over three years." Now I'm going to take Mr. Sachdev at his word.
If you do that math - this monstrosity of a sign could be worth as little as $667 thousand per year? That just cannot be right. But let me tell ya - even if it worth $2.5 million, it is still just a drop in the bucket for an organization that spends $146.6 million on payroll and draws more than 3 million fans per year. I think each of those Cub fans - Wrigley Field Fans - would gladly pay an 80 cent tax per ticket to avoid seeing that Toyota Sign.
I just wish somebody could explain to me exactly how much that thing is going to bring in just so I can drop the dang subject.
wrigley field toyota sign
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