Toyota Sign Just In Time For BP Cup

The powers that be have installed the GIANT Toyota Sign just in time for the BP Crosstown Cup. In case you haven't been following Cubs news: the Toyota Sign went through a number of hoops down at City Hall, but was ultimately approved - yesterday. The installation started immediately. Now, the BP Crosstown Cup is the new name for the bi-annual Cubs v. White Sox series. Some used to refer to it as the "crosstown classic", but the Cubs signed a three year sponsorship deal with BP a few months back to make a few extra bucks out of the deal.

In case you haven't been following the REAL news: Toyota and BP haven't had too good of a year. Toyota had some "sudden acceleration" issues that killed many people - dead. And British Petroleum, well looks like they even topped that. A few days after "The Cup" deal was struck, a rig exploded and began spewing oil in the Gulf of Mexico. Last I checked... they still haven't fixed that leak.

So, congratulations to the Chicago Cubs for being sponsored by two foreign owned, nationally (and locally) despised, corporations. Play Ball.

wrigley field toyota sign 2

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