Was snoozin the other day while my grandkids were watchin some damm movie about goin through time in a car that you stick trash in the fuel tank. The boys said that they went all the way to the year 2015 to make this movie. I knew this movie was out there, what with all the food hydrators, wearin 2 ties at once, but when they showed that the Cubs would win the series that year, I made them turn the TV off. Those kids don't need to be watchin somethin so far fetched.
I told em, "Boys, in 5 years, there ain't gonna be no flyin cars, and there ain't gonna be no damm Cubs team winnin the Series! Now go outside and play" Damm kids...
I will say, there was one good scene in that movie where the mom gets a new rack. After the kids left I fired the VCR back up and just paused it on those.
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