The full Chicago City Council is set to take a final vote on that dang Toyota Sign next Wednesday - June 9th. It doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out that they are going to approve it and install that thing quicker than a duck on a june bug. But apparently you have to be some sort of mathematician to figure out exactly how much this thing is going to rake in for Mr. Ricketts and the Cubs.
Every article I have read has said something a little bit different - From "as much as $2.5 million annually" to "more than $2 million a year" but also I read that it "could be worth more than $2 million to the team OVER the next three years". That last one sound a bit different from the rest. If I were to tell you that I enjoyed 24 Miller's Lites over the last three days - wouldn't you think that meant that I averaged about 8 a day for a total of 24 deliciously frost barley pops ?
With some help from my grandson, I emailed some reporters and one fella from the Tribune wrote back to me that "Tom Ricketts told me the Toyota sponsorship was worth 2-2.5 million over three years." Now I'm going to take Mr. Sachdev at his word.
If you do that math - this monstrosity of a sign could be worth as little as $667 thousand per year? That just cannot be right. But let me tell ya - even if it worth $2.5 million, it is still just a drop in the bucket for an organization that spends $146.6 million on payroll and draws more than 3 million fans per year. I think each of those Cub fans - Wrigley Field Fans - would gladly pay an 80 cent tax per ticket to avoid seeing that Toyota Sign.
I just wish somebody could explain to me exactly how much that thing is going to bring in just so I can drop the dang subject.
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