That there giant advertisement - The Toyota Sign - looks to be on the way. An article from a day or two back says the City Council's Building Committee approved the permit after my local Alderman, Tom Tunney changed his mind. Now originally, Mr. Tunney said that he didn't support putting up the sign "as it is not in keeping with the character of the neighborhood or with the spirit of the city's landmarks ordinance."
Now three week later: nothing has changed with the sign, and nothing has changed with the character of this neighborhood, but something has apparently changed with Mr. Tunney. He now supports the sign. He gave his support on the condition that the Cubs promise not to put up any more giant signs for the next four years. Now to you youngsters out there - four years may sound like a long time - but let me tell ya, that is a blink of an eye compared to the long history of this stadium. The only piece of mind that four year hiatus can bring me is knowing that I might not be around to see what they come up with next after it is over.
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