Last night as I was listening to the game - all of our lights went out. Now I am smart enough to have a radio that doesn't require a plug so I was able to hear that the same thing was happening down the street at Wrigley Field. Says here in the paper that a tree branch up on Racine took down a power line and took with it the electricity of me, my neighbors about about 35,000 fans in the Stadium - second lowest attended game this year, by the way.
Also says here that the last time the lights went out was during the 2003 season. I think we all remember what happened that year. Time to get your season tickets back Steve Bartman.
Funny thing about playing baseball how it's supposed to be played "in the daylight". You don't ever have to worry about that "unreliable" thing they call electricity. Without it we can still have a game at Wrigley, but they put up a jumbotron and you can't even play a game in the daylight and your at the mercy of ComEd.