Wrigley Ready for Paul McCartney

The Friendly Confines looks as dandy as ever - ready to host droves of former hippies for tonight and tomorrow's Paul McCartney concert. The former Beatle has gone through his soundcheck and sounded just great. It's gonna to be a historic night at Wrigley Field:

The Union Jack wavin in the wind
The scoreboard has it all spelled out
Sir Paul even has his own flag
Torco Sign for the show

Sir Paul's Ginormous Stage is Ready

Thanks to our pal @ippodick4, Here are some more photographs of the goings on inside Wrigley Field before tonight's Paul McCartney concert.

An Inside Look At Wrigley Field Before The Paul McCartney Concert

image provided by our pal @ippodick4
The stage is near completion and Wrigley Field is looking ready to host tomorrow and Monday's Paul McCartney concert. As things progress we'll post updates here and to our twitter feed: http://twitter.com/#!/thewrigleyblog

Stick with The Wrigley Blog for the latest on the Sir Paul's visit to the Friendly Confines.

Old Style Out As Official Beer Of Wrigley Field

Heard it from a friend who, heard it from a friend who... heard it from another that next year Old Style Beer will no longer be the Official Beer of Wrigley Field and the Chicago Cubs.

The word on the street, via @shadow8pro, is "next year for the 1st time since 1950 Old Style is out at Wrigley, to be replaced by Coors Light."

Also chiming in was @kaseyi99 who "heard new owners of Old Style want out of Cubs contract... supposedly they are paying big bucks to be 'official beer'' of the Cubs and want out of deal."

First of all, it seems like a pretty dumb move for Old Style to not have a presence at Wrigley Field. I mean, beer sales at Wrigley have to account for 90% of all Old Styles purchased, nationwide.

The other thing is: Coors Light? Really?
The Official Beer of the Colorado Rockies will now be ours?! Not too be confused with the Official Beer of the St. Louis Cardinals that owns the naming rights to our bleachers or the Official Beer of the Milwaukee Brewers that puts up a giant ad across the street every game.

How about we do what they say in the Old Style ads: "think local; drink local"? If Old Style is out, why not bring in an actual Chicago beer? Why not, as @iambillschultz suggested, Metro Brewing or Half Acre Beer? (I'd say Goose Island, but Anheuser Busch just bought them).

Irregardless, it will be sad to see another tradition leaving Wrigley Field. Let's all pour out an Old Style for our homie before they say good bye.

Paul McCartney's Stage Going Up At Wrigley Field

Sir Paul's stage in center field

With 3 days to go before hippies descend on Wrigley Field for the Paul McCartney concert, the crew is working away. As you can see, the framework for a giant stage is being erected in center field.

Please check back here in the coming days for more photos of the progress.

Thank you kindly.

TheWrigleyBlog Dictionary: Planking

Hard to fathom, but apparently there are some folks out there looking to this here website to learn a thing or two. So, the kid decided to start a blog dictionary to define some of the terms we encounter, starting with this doozy:


plank•ing (plang'king) verb 1. The act of laying down on your belly, looking like a damn fool while someone takes a damn picture of it.
also see: tomfoolery, being a complete dumb-ass

via @designerdanb

via iplanking.com

Post Cubs game. Has anyone heard of planking? on Twitpic

With Astros in Town, Cubs Can Only Win for Losing

The Cubs set to welcome our equally inferior foes from the Lone Star State
Your crummy Chicago Cubs (39-60) host the only slightly more crummy Houston Astros (33-65) this afternoon at lovely Wrigley Field. It is a battle for the basement as the teams with the two worst records in the entire Major Leagues face off for three games under the sun.

I had my brother Harold do a little research about the Cubs and their history of finishing dead last in the MLB. To our surprise it has only happened ONCE since they started handing out the top draft pick to the biggest loser back in '65. The year for the Cubs was '81 (which was a strange, strike shortened year) and the result of our achievement in paltry play was the drafting of good ol' Shawon Dunston in '82.

With very little to root for this year, perhaps it is time to hope for a continuation of our losing ways. Maybe a complete and utter tanking will bring about some much needed change to this god-awful team. 

Does A Cubby Bear Sweat In This Heat?

I'm going with: profusely

Today at Wrigley Field the air temperature was 97 degrees

The heat index got up to 110 º

And the temperature on the field was 117 º

After the game I saw the furry that goes by: Billy Cub stumbling around.
I'm gonna go ahead and assume the temperature in his crotch region was somewhere between 140 and 150 º... Poor furry bastard.

Say What You Will: Nobody No-Hits The Cubs

Few would argue the Chicago Cubs past to be triumphant. Besides those championships back in '07 and '08 (I'm talking 1900's here) it's been a pretty bleak century. We've all witnessed a heckuva lot more losing than winning, but one thing you haven't witnessed too often is the Cubs being No-Hit. Sure we lose, but we usually get at least one hit.

In fact, the Cubs hold the Major League record for consecutive games played without being No-Hit. The last time it happened was back on September 9, 1965 when old Sandy Koufax tossed a perfect game. That is a streak of 7,228 games (if my math is correct) and is more than 200 game better than any other team in the history of Major League Baseball.

In unrelated news: Roy Halladay is set to pitch against the Cubs tonight.

Win a Beer! Our First Caption Contest

Welcome to The Wrigley Blog's inaugural Caption Contest.

Just leave your best caption in the comments section below. The winner of (1) ice cold beer ($7 value at Wrigley Field) will be picked by Grandpa and the boys... make sure there is a twitter handle or something so we can let you know if you win. Good Luck