Old Style Out As Official Beer Of Wrigley Field

Heard it from a friend who, heard it from a friend who... heard it from another that next year Old Style Beer will no longer be the Official Beer of Wrigley Field and the Chicago Cubs.

The word on the street, via @shadow8pro, is "next year for the 1st time since 1950 Old Style is out at Wrigley, to be replaced by Coors Light."

Also chiming in was @kaseyi99 who "heard new owners of Old Style want out of Cubs contract... supposedly they are paying big bucks to be 'official beer'' of the Cubs and want out of deal."

First of all, it seems like a pretty dumb move for Old Style to not have a presence at Wrigley Field. I mean, beer sales at Wrigley have to account for 90% of all Old Styles purchased, nationwide.

The other thing is: Coors Light? Really?
The Official Beer of the Colorado Rockies will now be ours?! Not too be confused with the Official Beer of the St. Louis Cardinals that owns the naming rights to our bleachers or the Official Beer of the Milwaukee Brewers that puts up a giant ad across the street every game.

How about we do what they say in the Old Style ads: "think local; drink local"? If Old Style is out, why not bring in an actual Chicago beer? Why not, as @iambillschultz suggested, Metro Brewing or Half Acre Beer? (I'd say Goose Island, but Anheuser Busch just bought them).

Irregardless, it will be sad to see another tradition leaving Wrigley Field. Let's all pour out an Old Style for our homie before they say good bye.


  1. players need to be paid. that's the root of all this.

  2. Irredgardless is not a word.

    Just like Coors Light is not a beer.

  3. you think Half Acre could afford that contract? Or, for that matter, produce that much beer? You gotta be kidding. Goose Island would be the only potential player. It would be cool to see Half Acre and others sold at Wrigley though....pretty lame you cant buy a single Chicago made beer there!

  4. Two Brothers is a good local beer, too.

  5. Thanks for the mention. I can't believe I posted a little ol' tweet last night and by this afternoon this thing has totally blown up. Crazy cool. -shadow8pro

  6. Well, MillerCoors is technically headquartered in Chicago right now, so it is kinda sorta local.

  7. It's got to be the nail in the coffin for the Old Style brand, no? Check out a Wrigley beer vendor's take here: www.wrigleybeerman.tumblr.com

  8. C. Dean Metropoulos and his douchebag sons turning their backs on generations of Cubs fans.

  9. It's not the Cubs dumping Old Style, its Old Style dumping the Cubs


    In an internal memo to top staff one month after purchasing the company, C. Dean Metropoulos outlined a plan to see PBR sales grow 30 percent per year, Lone Star's sales to double and for the company to create a "Four Loko"-like version of Colt 45, backed by an African-American star and jingle.

    "I also want to try to exit the 'Cubs' deal and divert this money behind Old Style 'Light,'" C. Dean Metropoulos wrote. The relationship between Old Style and the Chicago Cubs baseball team has existed for 61 years.

  10. McDonough told me three years ago that Old Style was in trouble as a brand. Maybe a connection? Either way, tome to get a real beer in the stadium. OS, Coors, Bud: they're all shite. If I'm at a Cubs game I need to have some pleasure! And "irregardless": really not a word. You mean "regardless" or "irrespective of...." Sorry to be a grammar dick.

  11. You're not a dick Cary. You're absolutely right. Irregardless? Really?

  12. First off. Old Style sucks and if your spending your money on old style instead of bud your an idiot. It's just as bad as coors bus or miller. Second the Cubs probably charge way more than old style can afford because they are really only popular in Chicago and parts of the Midwest. Finally half acre, two brothers great breweries but you think they can afford that contract. Plus now you'll be paying 15 dollars for a beer dumb idea. And whoever said they wanted to enjoy something at the game. Go see a real baseball team

  13. Irregardless is absolutely a word. Just ask my friend Noah Webster...or Scrabble for that matter.
