The Wrigley Blog Heads To Soldier Field

Grandpa and the boys where happy to hear that I scored tickets to last nights Monday Night Football battle against the Packers. I tried to do them proud with some photos that would stand up to The Wrigley Blog standard.

But then I started drinking... and I sorta lost focus on the documenting and got a bit more into yelling for the Bears.

When I came to this morning, this was about the only thing I had that was blog worthy:

Torco Sign Controversy

wrigley field torco

Well sir, it looks like we've got ourselves some controversy at the old Torco billboard.
Above is a look at the sign they had ready for this last Cubs homestand of 2010. It kinda sums up the current sentiment towards this team, and although I don't give a hoot about the start of the hockey season - that sign did give me a chuckle.

Well the word around here is that it didn't amuse the big wigs across the street - the Suits that are in charge of running the Cubs. I'd say it is pretty obvious that they didn't take too kindly to the slogan, because it only lasted one day. They replaced it with the one below. I tell you what - this team might be a sorry bunch, but it looks like the Cubs brass know how to play hardball.

Tyler Colvin Seen Wearing Tiki Idol

Tyler Colvin was seen wearing a Tiki Idol as a shard from an errant baseball bat impaled him in the chest. Perhaps it is the same idol Greg was wearing when he got into that serious surfing accident.

Tyler is doing ok in a Florida hospital, but he is done for the season.

Some people are pointing to this incident as proof that the Cubs are cursed but as our old pal Hank put it: "It kinda proves the opposite... If we were cursed he'd be dead".

Let's just hope Jeff Samardzija returns that Tiki Idol to its ancient burial ground before anyone else gets hurt.

Ticket Time Capsule

Sometimes I think 1945 wasn't that dern long ago. And I remember '69 like it was yesterday. '84 and '89 now that is recent history. '98 and '03 . . . painfully close.

Having the good times in Cub history on my mind, one might reckon that I'd recall '07 and '08 - the last seasons spent in the playoffs - well, I suppose you'd reckon I'd remember them like nobody's business. But, I'll tell ya, after this year - after this long and painful year . . . it seems like a lifetime ago since we were good at baseball.

Now please oblige me on this one. Take a gander at this here ticket stub my grandson found while he was fiddlin' through my dresser drawers - no doubt looking for some spending money.
Take a gander at those boys high five-in on that stub. Makes you kind of miss them boys, don't it? It sure as heck makes me miss the winning days. That date there - September 20th - just two short years ago . . . that's when we clinched our division, on our way to a near one hundred win season. Seems like it has been forever and a day, and I sure hope it ain't forever until the winning ways return.

Go Cubs!

cubs ticket stub

Mom It's Kol Nidre ... would you say

Tonight - most people of the Jewish faith will head to their synagogues for Kol Nidre and the start of their annual Day of Atonement. To you, we here at The Wrigley Blog wish a very deep and meaningful Yom Kippur.

At the same time, many youngsters will be heading to Wrigley Field to watch this Dave Matthew's Band in concert. To you, we here at The Wrigley Blog wish that you keep it down and please don't urinate in our yard.

Here are some pre-show photographs from The Stadium:

Dave Matthew's Band Prep

It has been a busy week around Wrigley Field. First they took away that ridiculous macaroni noodle and now they are setting up the place for the weekend concert. Dave Matthew's Band will be on stage Friday and Saturday. I better go buy me some earplugs the next time I am out.

Undercover Boss - Uncovered!

I went to a Cubbie game the other day and noticed that a film crew of 6 or 7 was following the grounds crew around. I assumed it was for some sort of movie. I also assumed footage of an infield being dragged would make for a very crappy film.

Later on, the twitterverse was all a-twitter about how CBS had been secretly filming Todd Ricketts for an upcoming episode of Undercover Boss. Todd is the younger brother of Cubs Chairman Tom Ricketts and is a part owner.

Ricketts Todd

I seriously doubt anyone would recognize Todd off the street but I guess he wore a beard to remain incognito while at work. Besides raking the infield they also had him working as a beer vender and even - shocker to Todd, I'm sure - take out the trash!!

So anyway... after I heard news of these shenanigans I went back and took a look at my photos from that day. Of all the grounds crew, one dude stuck out: he walked with little better posture, tucked his shirt in a little nicer, seamed to be wearing a more expensive watch... plus he had a beard and a camera on him at all times.

So, I think we've got ourselves an exclusive, TMZ-type shot of Mr. Todd Ricketts. Check it:

Todd Ricketts


Don't Make Mike Quade Angry

You wouldn't like him when he's angry!

I don't think we've seen this dude get upset yet. He seems very even keeled or perhaps he seems a bit TOO even keeled. He's had a pretty solid start, but I'd throw down some cash, betting that doesn't last.

The way I see it, there are 1 of 2 options that'll go down: Either 1). The Cubbies suck it up the rest of the year and they give Quade the boot; or B) They play decent and they still give the dude the boot.

Either way... I predict some manager anger up in here. At least I hope so.

BTW: special thanks to twitter friend @hey_sue for pointing out the other day that Mike Quade kind of looks like Skeletor. LOL!

Billy Williams Statue Preview

I was strolling by the ballpark the other day as they erected the new statue they'll dedicate tomorrow to Mr. Sweet Swinging Billy Williams. They had him tarped up before too long but I did snap a few photographs so as to give you a little preview of that monument.

He was completely bubble-wrapped but you get the basic gist -
it captures him just finishing one of his sweet swings.

My grandson actually shared some of these photographs on the twitter the other day and one fella that goes by the handle @CubLikeUs commented:
"I see it commemorates the day he was attacked by giant spiders". That was pretty funny.

The base is inscribed with a copy of what they have written about him in Cooperstown. In case you can't read it due to my less than steady hands it reads:

Soft-spoken, clutch perfomer, was one of most respected hitters of his day.
Which - to me - seems like bad grammer, but it goes on:
Batted solid .290 over 18 seasons socking 426 home runs. Hit 20 or more home runs 13 straight seasons. 1961 NL Rookie of the Year. 1972 NL Batting Champion with .333. Heald NL record for consecutive games played with 1,117.

He is being dedicated tomorrow evening - September 7th - before the Cubs take on the Houston Astros in another meaningless game.

Purdy Shot of the Week 7

I've titled this work of wonder: Hey Hey Sky of Beauty

Enjoy . . .

Sloop Purdy

Cubs Make a Mockery Out Of Harry Caray

harry caray statue

I walked down to the ballpark this afternoon to watch them rededicate the Harry Caray statue. Let me tell ya - I was none too pleased with the ceremony. Sure it was grand to see Ernie Banks strolling around and Dutchie Caray is looking great, but I do not care for the rest of them.

I guess to the Cubs braintrust - to Chairman Tom Ricketts and Marketing Guru Wally Hayward - Harry Caray was nothing more than a beer drinker with some funny glasses. That sure was the message they obviously worked at delivering. Every Suit from the Cubs front office stood there wearing their over-sized spectacles, holding newly opened Budweiser bottles - just a prop to help get the message across.

dutchie caray

Now I'm not saying Harry was the most noble of men and I agree with one article I read this morning that said Jack Brickhouse should have had a statue well before Mr. Caray's, but there were politics involved with that decision. I don't care to get into that. What I do care about is how the Cubs decided to take Harry Caray's contribution to baseball and to this franchise and condense it down to beer, glasses and the 7th inning stretch.

They decided to make this ceremony more about marketing than about honoring - more about filling seats for their meaningless game that followed than anything else. It was thoughtless and I think it made a mockery out of Harry Caray's career.

But I'd expect nothing less from Mr. Ricketts and his crew.

Tom Ricketts Drinking

Lolly Gaggers

I share the sentiments of the thousands who are not showing up. I've been through my share of bad seasons but this one takes the cake! Good riddance D. Lee, Theriot, Fontenot and whoever else we can unload. I can't even watch this s--- on tv. What a bunch of lolly gaggers. I guess there have been plenty of seasons this bad but not with the payroll. I could always blame the organization in the past but now we just have a bunch of overpayed lollygaggers. Maybe if we spent more time building a farm system than we spend building toyota signs we could have a winning season.