I walked down to the ballpark this afternoon to watch them rededicate the Harry Caray statue. Let me tell ya - I was none too pleased with the ceremony. Sure it was grand to see Ernie Banks strolling around and Dutchie Caray is looking great, but I do not care for the rest of them.
I guess to the Cubs braintrust - to Chairman Tom Ricketts and Marketing Guru Wally Hayward - Harry Caray was nothing more than a beer drinker with some funny glasses. That sure was the message they obviously worked at delivering. Every Suit from the Cubs front office stood there wearing their over-sized spectacles, holding newly opened Budweiser bottles - just a prop to help get the message across.

Now I'm not saying Harry was the most noble of men and I agree with one
article I read this morning that said Jack Brickhouse should have had a statue well before Mr. Caray's, but there were politics involved with that decision. I don't care to get into that. What I do care about is how the Cubs decided to take Harry Caray's contribution to baseball and to this franchise and condense it down to beer, glasses and the 7th inning stretch.
They decided to make this ceremony more about marketing than about honoring - more about filling seats for their meaningless game that followed than anything else. It was thoughtless and I think it made a mockery out of Harry Caray's career.
But I'd expect nothing less from Mr. Ricketts and his crew.