Ticket Time Capsule

Sometimes I think 1945 wasn't that dern long ago. And I remember '69 like it was yesterday. '84 and '89 now that is recent history. '98 and '03 . . . painfully close.

Having the good times in Cub history on my mind, one might reckon that I'd recall '07 and '08 - the last seasons spent in the playoffs - well, I suppose you'd reckon I'd remember them like nobody's business. But, I'll tell ya, after this year - after this long and painful year . . . it seems like a lifetime ago since we were good at baseball.

Now please oblige me on this one. Take a gander at this here ticket stub my grandson found while he was fiddlin' through my dresser drawers - no doubt looking for some spending money.
Take a gander at those boys high five-in on that stub. Makes you kind of miss them boys, don't it? It sure as heck makes me miss the winning days. That date there - September 20th - just two short years ago . . . that's when we clinched our division, on our way to a near one hundred win season. Seems like it has been forever and a day, and I sure hope it ain't forever until the winning ways return.

Go Cubs!

cubs ticket stub

1 comment:

  1. Wow, seeing this blog makes me thing back to 2008 and realize me and Cubs share something in common. All was great then...
    In 2008 I lost my virginity, I also got the clap.
