Torco Sign Controversy

wrigley field torco

Well sir, it looks like we've got ourselves some controversy at the old Torco billboard.
Above is a look at the sign they had ready for this last Cubs homestand of 2010. It kinda sums up the current sentiment towards this team, and although I don't give a hoot about the start of the hockey season - that sign did give me a chuckle.

Well the word around here is that it didn't amuse the big wigs across the street - the Suits that are in charge of running the Cubs. I'd say it is pretty obvious that they didn't take too kindly to the slogan, because it only lasted one day. They replaced it with the one below. I tell you what - this team might be a sorry bunch, but it looks like the Cubs brass know how to play hardball.


  1. Oh, Geez! If the Brass doesn't like this...They better be getting some good old THICK CUB-FAN SKIN! The word-TOLERATE. Probably upset it wasn't a Budweiser sign.

  2. At least it didn't say "Soriano swallows"

  3. Or how bout "Ricketts is a little bitch"

  4. I keep going back to the blog about the teepee in Atlanta and the Toyota sign and wonder what sign we need to worry about

  5. Ricketts is a piece of shit. He needs to sell the cubs to someone who knows baseball and does not piss nearly all fans off by putting up a hideous billboard in left field.

  6. Now look forward to today. How times have changed. Ricketts is a baseball god.
