Um... While Grandpa and the rest of Illinois have focused on purple marquees at Wrigley and purple banners at Wrigley and purple... well, everything at Wrigley; I happened to notice this photo that showed up from our pal: @clubhousecancer.
I mean . . . where do I begin on this?
1. (shout out to my Grandpa)
Fake Ivy. Yeah, there is fake ivy around the wall and on that fake ivy are lots of ads. Grandpa and his pals are pretty much anti-ads by the way. Me? I don't really notice them. I mean, am I going to start paying for insurance just because I saw this ad? Nope!
2. The Goal Post. It is attached to the brick wall! Do I have to repeat that in some other way? It is attached to a very very old wall. Last time I watched a game, the goal posts were attached to the ground.
3. Clearance. Um.. also, the last time I watched a game: There Were More Than 3 Inches Of Clearance Outside of the Endzone! ! !
I mean... I'm definitely pro-Wrigley and I am (I guess) pro-football at Wrigley, but this appears to be not such a good idea. I'll let Grandpa and my Uncle Harold get into the details of the whole past vs present deal, but presently: it just seems like a really, really bad idea.
UPDATE: It looks like the Big 10 agrees with me on this one. They ruled that they will only go towards the West end zone. No love for the East Side!!