More Football Clutter At Wrigley Field

Seems like the more I stroll by Wrigley Field, the more junk they have come up with to clutter the place.

I was quite upset to see that after spending the day painting the marquee purple they went ahead and slapped a logo up there. I'm not too fond of advertisements around the park as you might have heard, but to put one up here on the marquee - well sir, temporary or not I don't like it.

Wrigley Purple Marquee
And I may be crazy and half colorblind, but the top and the bottom of that marquee have different purples to them, don't they?

Then I walk around the corner and find this gigantic "U" standing right there behind Ernie Banks' statue.
ESPN College Gameday Wrigley
That thing makes the old macaroni and cheese noodle from this last summer seem small and tactful. I tell you what, if a stiff breeze was to make its way down Clark Street I wouldn't be surprised to find that we'd have ourselves another broken statue on our hands.

I reckon seeing the marquee and that "U" shook me up a bit, because when I came home and took a gander at this photograph I took of the Northwestern University equiptment truck, it sure is a bit shaky.
I apologize.

Northwestern Football
Lord knows what I'll find around The Stadium tomorrow.


  1. So help me God if the freakin 'Boo Yeah Package' ruins Mr. Cub, I will drive out to Bristol and beat some ass.

  2. The more I see of this, the less I want to watch the game on Saturday.
