
Ah... Summertime.

As the weather heats up, it's hard not to appreciate all the pleasure Summertime brings. My grandson, Phillip and I were just sitting outside last night and he brought up some of his biggest Summertime memories.

You see, him and his younger brother grew up in a small town so their memories may be different than big city folk. He talked of playing hide and go seek with the neighborhood kids, knowing every little covey hole in the bushes or where, if someone was coming, he could run through a yard without getting decapitated by a clothesline. They were fond of alley walking and yelling "Junk It!" to cars just hoping they'd stop and chase after them. It was good clean fun. And, by the way, why is peeing outdoors in the dark - with nobody around - such a great feeling?!

They'd play Whiffle ball everyday as soon as they got up, after watching CHiPs reruns or playing RBI on the Nintendo. Of course, there was watching the beloved Cubs, listening to Harry and eating as many Cool Ranch Doritos as humanly possible... knowing that later on that evening they got to go play baseball, putting on their uni as soon as the paper route was finished.

You just can't beat Summertime, and for those who are fortunate enough to experience Wrigley Field, there just isn't anything better than watching a ballgame on a hot Summer day. It brings back so many memories and every time I go to Wrigley it's hard not to allow the field to take you back in time.

My grandson said his biggest worry back then was how to fit it all in each and every day... that and why his little brother couldn't throw strikes on RBI.

Purdy Shot of the Week X

I call this delightful photograph: The Scoreboard

Sloop Purdy

Bring On The Bucks

The Chicago Cubs (22-26) host those pesky Pittsburgh Pirates (22-26) on what looks to be a dandy Friday afternoon at Wrigley Field.

Go Cubs

Wrigley Welcomes the Mets

Your 5th place Chicago Cubs (20-25) are set to host the New York Mets (22-24) tonight at beautiful Wrigley Field. 

Our boys in blue will play 3 a piece against the Mets, Pirates and Astros. Now I'd say with this many games vs teams in our own division - sub par teams at that - this homestand figures to be quite pivotal. 

Let's get some wins, boys!

How Do You Solve A Problem Like The Seagulls

The chances of seeing a crazy flock of seagulls (the birds, not the band) during the late innings at Wrigley has become way more likely than the chances of winning and singing Go Cubs Go.

After a recent game spent drinking and dodging seagull poo, Tex and I interviewed some members of the Cubs security staff to find out if they had a plan for this seagull situation.

One security official by the name of Jerry told us: "You know, I'd like to come down here with one of my guns and shoot em all". Another named Phil told us (loudly) "Head for the Exits!" and a third member of Cubs security named Aaron informed us that we "didn't have to go home, but (we) can't stay (there)."

Thankfully, Cub security guard Rick came thru with at least something of use. He told us: "Once the beaches open, (the Seagulls) will stop showing (at Wrigley Field) so much", and that makes sense. I mean why fly 1/2 a mile inland when you can get all the free food you want by the lake (not to mention there are more bikinis). Unfortunately, it's not supposed to be beach weather for the rest of the week. My prediction is that these seagull shenanigans will continue at least thru this upcoming Cubby homestand.

Apparently Bleacher Bums and Seagulls enjoy the same diet.

Wrigley vs Fenway. Why Wrigley Wins

Why? Because we said so.

I mean honestly, did you think we were going to say Fenway was better?

Wrigley Field Back To Her Old Self Again

Player Banners Are Gone
They took down the Opening Day clutter from around the glorious Wrigley Field Marquee earlier today, nearly returning the Stadium to her old self.

The last two years they've tried to gussy up the place at season's start by hanging giant photographs of Cubs players here and there, and thankfully - just like last year - those same photographs have come back down after a mid-May homestand.

Who knows, maybe getting rid of this junk can somehow lead to an improvement of their current 9-13 home record.

Cubs Homestand Postview

Sunday's finale postponed due to weather
Well sir, The Chicago Cubs leave town today after a rather lousy homestand. The weather was lousy and so was the team.

The Cubs mustered only one win in each of the series vs the Cardinals, Reds and Giants; losing 5 out of 8.

The average attendance was 35,431 and the average temperature was more suitable for football. To top things off, the Sunday game vs San Fransisco was postponed until June 28th due to rain and temps in the 40's.

Happy Mother's Day

From all of us here at The Wrigley Blog - Happy Mothers Day to ALL the mothers out there.

Even to Steve Garvey's and that Bartman kid's mother... I'm certain you did your best to raise those boys to be better.

Wrigley Field Keeper

We posted a dandy photograph from Wrigley Field this morning and have received a number of requests via the twitter for a better quality version.

So, here you go kids - knock yourselves out.

Wrigley Ready for the Reds

The Chicago Cubs (14-16) return to their glorious home after a pretty successful road trip. They will face the Cincinnati Reds (16-15) for three games, starting this afternoon.

The St. Louis Cardinals and San Francisco Giants will be here later on during this nine game homestand. 

I tell ya, it sure is good to have the boys in blue back in town.

Seeing Red at Wrigley

Now I know Wrigley Field has evolved over time, but we sure had grown accustomed to the how she looked for many a year. You see, not too long ago the only thing Red you could see on the outside of the Stadium was the magnificent Red Marquee with her Red neon glowing at night.

Over the years a lot of signs on the inside have been painted bright Red, and last year they added a giant Red Toyota Sign. Well sir, the changes just keep on a comin'.

It chaps my hide to report that they have added bright Red neon over each of the ticket windows. (Lord knows, they want you to really know that they are OPEN and have plenty of tickets available). And they have also added some sort of e-lectronic message board. My grandson tells me they are LEDs and let me tell ya, they are about 10 times as bright as the glorious neon lit Marquee.

Lord help us.

God Bless America

I took this photograph on the night of September 11th, 2001.

That marquee summed up quite a bit of what we were thinking on that horrible day, and I reckon the same holds true for how we feel today.