Reward Offered in Harry Caray Statue Case

Harry Caray Graffiti
Ever since we broke the story: Harry Caray Statue Vandalized, computers have been abuzz with folks trying to decide what the vandal was trying to write - whether Sox Dies or Sox Bites or whatnot? Well sir, I have a different theory, and we here at The Wrigley Blog are willing to pay you a handsome reward to help prove us right.

You see, what I'm suggesting here is that the word under SOX wasn't a word after all. I'm more obliged to think it was some sort of signature of the fella who did the deed. I'm no expert in spray-painting other people's property, but I'm told that it is called a "tag" and what I'm looking for is another example of this tagger's tag on something else he's done tagged up.

So here are the details: Anyone out there that can find this hoodlum's signature defacing some other public property - just take a photograph and send it to: If you can help us prove it was a tag and not a word we will gladly send you out enough cash for a case of beer.

Thank you kindly

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