Our First Fan Mail

It just warms our heart to report that we received our first fan mail. The fact that anyone besides a few old ladies in The Home would stumble upon our little blog here, sure does seem improbable.

If you'd oblige us, we would like to share some of the kind words:

Hey Wayne,
I wanted to write to you and thank you for your site. I love it and I don't think there's anything quite like it on the internet. For people like me that are across the states over in Arizona, your site allows us to keep constant tabs on what's going on at Wrigley. I view your site several times a week, as well as following you on Twitter.
If you guys make it out for spring training, be sure to post it. I'd love to shake your hand and buy you a beer as a thanks for the site. Keep up the good work.

-Mike Kozimor Jr.

Well Mr. Kozimor, we are honored and we would love to take you up on that beer sometime. To have someone write us to say they enjoy TheWrigleyBlog - well sir, we are just tickled pink.

1 comment:

  1. Hey Wayne,

    I had some questions about the blog but I can't find your email. How can I contact you?

