Introducing: The Cubs Hope-O-Meter

Yesterday, the Cubbies played their first Spring Training game.
Hope was in the air as they quickly ran out to a 4-0 lead.
That was soon replaced with despair... as they ended up getting shellacked 15-7.

Below is a graphical display of a typical Cubs fans reaction to the game:

I'm calling it the Hope-O-Meter

Ticket Sales Don't Appear Brisk

While my grandson sits at home, in his undies, at the computer in a "Virtual Waiting Room" waiting for Cubs tickets, I figured I'd stroll down to the ballpark to take a gander at the Reality Waiting Room.

There isn't much going on down under the marquee. If my count is correct there seemed to be nearly a dozen Cubs crowd control folks, but only a handful of actual Cubs fans purchasing tickets.

If you count the ticket booth workers - I'd say I witnessed about 24 Cubs personnel taking care of anywhere between 3 to 6 people. That's none too brisk of business if you ask me.

Signs of Spring: Tickets Go Onsale

Snow is on the ground, but spring's in the air around the old ballpark.

The crowd of fans "lucky" enough to get a first go at tickets are no doubt hopeful that they are buying their own pass to witness history.

Goat Defecates on Dusty Baker

The kid found us an interview of our former skipper Dusty Baker.
In it, Dusty dropped the following dirty bomb:

"At the very end, somebody took a dump right where I stood in the dugout every day," Baker said Monday morning. "That was the low point. The grounds crew guy cleaned it up. He said, ‘Oh, I think it's dog crap.' I said, ‘No it ain't. That's human crap.'"

No sir, that there was goat crap.
That cursed goat crapped on you during the crappy playoffs in 2003. It crapped on you with a crappy closer in 2004, and it crapped on you in 2005 with a crap-load of injuries.

Then, on your way out the door, it literally took a crap in front of you on the dugout floor.

That curse is a mother crapper

Our First Fan Mail

It just warms our heart to report that we received our first fan mail. The fact that anyone besides a few old ladies in The Home would stumble upon our little blog here, sure does seem improbable.

If you'd oblige us, we would like to share some of the kind words:

Hey Wayne,
I wanted to write to you and thank you for your site. I love it and I don't think there's anything quite like it on the internet. For people like me that are across the states over in Arizona, your site allows us to keep constant tabs on what's going on at Wrigley. I view your site several times a week, as well as following you on Twitter.
If you guys make it out for spring training, be sure to post it. I'd love to shake your hand and buy you a beer as a thanks for the site. Keep up the good work.

-Mike Kozimor Jr.

Well Mr. Kozimor, we are honored and we would love to take you up on that beer sometime. To have someone write us to say they enjoy TheWrigleyBlog - well sir, we are just tickled pink.

Awaiting Word on Giant Noodle's Replacement

Trib reporter Paul Sullivan broke news today from Cubs Camp that the giant Mac-N-Cheese noodle won't be returning in 2011. If you feel like a walk down memory lane feel free to take a gander at these stories we posted last year about that yellow monstrosity:

Giant Noodle Invades Wrigley Field

Unintended Consequences

Cubs and Wrigley Field at the Break

Oh, You Mean The BIG Noodle

But let me tell you this - we are not celebrating this news just yet. Mr. Sullivan didn't mention anything about what kind of replacement gimmick they have in mind. Unfortunately, what we have come to find out about Mr. Hayward and the Cubs Marketing Brain Trust is that anything is possible, and dang heck if something tasteless and tacky isn't to be gall-derned expected.

Camaro Ticketed For Illegal Paintjob

Wrigley Field Camaro

We are looking into rumors that the owner of the vehicle is one Albert Pujols of St. Louis, Missouri

Happy Valentine's Day, Loser

wrigley marquee birth
In doing some recon around Wrigley today I noticed they had all these baby names going across the marquee. Jaden this, Aiden that.

Two things bother me about this: 1. You gotta assume these parents are Cubs fans, right? So, why no Ernie or Billy? Ryne or Ronnie?

But what really bothers me is: This was the Cubs Valentine's Day idea? Birth Announcements ? ? ?

So...WTF, You have to have a frickin kid to be eligible for this lame holiday? As far as I know, I don't have a kid, and I don't want a kid, and I don't really like kids in general. . . but that shouldn't exclude me from the lovin.

So, you know what: I'm gonna go out tonight, get my drink-on, find me some lovely lady, and I'm gonna let the Cubbies know. Because that marquee should say:

Jeremy hooked up with Khloe or Zoe or Sophie - or all three :)

You know, to celebrate the true point of Valentine's Day: LOVE

Reward Offered in Harry Caray Statue Case

Harry Caray Graffiti
Ever since we broke the story: Harry Caray Statue Vandalized, computers have been abuzz with folks trying to decide what the vandal was trying to write - whether Sox Dies or Sox Bites or whatnot? Well sir, I have a different theory, and we here at The Wrigley Blog are willing to pay you a handsome reward to help prove us right.

You see, what I'm suggesting here is that the word under SOX wasn't a word after all. I'm more obliged to think it was some sort of signature of the fella who did the deed. I'm no expert in spray-painting other people's property, but I'm told that it is called a "tag" and what I'm looking for is another example of this tagger's tag on something else he's done tagged up.

So here are the details: Anyone out there that can find this hoodlum's signature defacing some other public property - just take a photograph and send it to: If you can help us prove it was a tag and not a word we will gladly send you out enough cash for a case of beer.

Thank you kindly

Harry Caray Statue Vandalized

Harry Caray Statue Vandalized

Sometime overnight, the base of Harry Caray's statue was - as the kids call it - tagged. It looks to be the work of idiot White Sox fans, but I can't make out what the bottom word is.

I'll just add this to the list I've got going for why they never should've moved this statue in the first place.

Harry Caray Statue Defaced

Forbidden Pleasure on Lake Shore Drive

After risking my life for our post: Wrigley Loses Her Roof I came home to find Grandpa, Great-Uncle Harold and their old pal Johnny drinking and listening to WGN. A guy had called in to report that his car was stuck. Like many in Chicago, his commute home had turned into a nightmare due to blizzard conditions on Lake Shore Drive. It was just him and a fellow dude, who had hitched a ride after work; stranded. They had left work together 6 hours ago. Visibility was zero. Snow drifts were building. And there was no help in sight.

The thought of spending an entire night trapped in your car with a random co-worker had my Grandpa, Uncle Harold and me all basically saying the same thing: That poor son of a gun !

Johnny's reaction: How long do ya figure until those two start going down on each other?

From that priceless moment; he went on:

You gotta think, after that many hours - just sitting there - that they probably ran out of things to talk about. And whether it was the need to stay warm or due to their close proximity to one another or just because of the craziness of the situation, I'm sure it had to enter one of their minds:
Is he thinking what I'm thinking?
Could this really happen?
Should I show it to him...
I could always play it off like I'm nervous and slightly claustrophobic.
Geez, if I did show it to him - I wonder if he'd be interested in a J, and if so... what kind of J? Obviously a B would be better than an H, but I'd take an H. Or perhaps he would be into an F, never had an F. Maybe I'd like an F...

And this is how I spent my evening during The Great Chicago Blizzard of 2011.

Wrigley Field Blizzard Vids

Videos from Wrigley Field during The Great Chicago Blizzard of '11
Hope you enjoy... after all, I did risk my life to take these!!

Wrigley Loses Her Roof

Wrigley Field Roof

Now, this here is a storm to remember.

It is dumping buckets out there and blowing like a son of a gun.
Blowing hard enough that a roof panel on Wrigley Field came loose and ended up on the sidewalk. The police have shut down Clark and Addison near the old ballpark while they clean up the mess - and hope more don't come flying off.

We sent Jeremy down there to take these pictures. In the top one you can see the biggest pile of debris right under the old marquee. And below here you can see that pieces of that roof are strewn about all over Clark Street. Pieces ranging from the size of home base to the size of a baseball.

Wrigley Field Roof 2

We even got us a souvenir out of the deal:

Wrigley Field Roof 3