Anyone who strolls by the stadium while the Cubs are out of town knows there is still some goings-on inside. In years past that has included maintenence, cleaning as well guided tours. My nephew Phillip was in town this week and went on one of them Wrigley Field Tours. He found out that this year there is even more going on to milk Wrigley Field.
Yesterday they hosted the "HP Field of Dreams, Sponsored by Intel" Basically it was a corporate outing - letting employees get dressed up in full Cub uniforms and play ball. They played four games on a fully chalked field - had umpires - and put each players name up on the scoreboard while up to bat. Heck, they even had Gary Pressy there tickling the ivory on the organ. I kid you not.
Cubs tour guide told my nephew that Intel and HP paid over a million dollars for the use of the field - more than that Toyota Sign brings in yearly. I tell ya, this thing is probably just the tip of the milking iceberg.

Rumor has it Zambrano played for one of the teams and completely flipped out on a 8 yr old boy for dropping a routine flyball. He then supposedly tried to head butt a 72 yr old man for not hustling in left field.