Addison Park on Clark

One of the biggest changes around Wrigley Field to every come down the pike is this thing called "Addison Park on Clark". I'm certain we here at The Wrigley Blog will be documenting it well.

Now - I'd like to show you some photographs of what is there now to compare it to what they want to do. Unfortunately my grandson Jeremy has been going to games this week and hasn't gotten back to me with anything useful. While I attempt to light a fire under his rear let me tell you what I know: This thing is going to redo an entire city block - replacing buildings that have been there as long as I can recall with a hotel and chain shopping. The plan has just received City approval, but I couldn't tell ya what kind of time-line they are operating on.

Jeremy was able to find me this here image below. Again, I'll work on showing some actual shots to compare this soft and fuzzy illustration. It never looks as good in reality.

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