Roger Waters wants to bring The Wall to Wrigley Field

According to a story by Rolling Stone, Roger Waters will be taking his "The Wall" tour to baseball stadiums across America next summer. That tour, you'd think, would include Wrigley Field.

And that. would. be. Awesome!
In the article, the former Pink Floyd bassist said (in a British accent): "We've done light tests (in) Fenway Park and Wrigley Field and Yankee Stadium just to see what the ambient light is like. And it's fine. It works. We've taken part of The Wall and the projectors into those three places."

Sounds like a done deal to us: The Wall at Wrigley Field - Summer 2012.


Closing Day 2011

Well sir, it is that time of year again.

Time for one last home game before they kick us out and close the gates on 2011.

I guess you could say that this season has been over for quite some time. I don't believe the Cubs were ever more than a game over .500 - and that happened way back in April. Ridiculous.

Be sure to come back and check out this here blog from time to time. We will document any work they do on the old stadium, and me and the boys have plenty of photographs in and around the Friendly Confines.  We will continue to share it all while we wait out another long Chicago winter and dream once again of Cubby success in 2012.

Wait Til Next Year.

Movie Night at Wrigley Field to show Ferris Bueller's Day Off

We heard about this "Movie Night" idea a couple of weeks back, and now it looks like it'll be a reality.

Today the folks down at Groupon announced they are "presenting" Movie Night at Wrigley Field on Saturday, October 1 at 5:30pm. Usually Groupon gives you a discount to things, but in this case I guess they just are gonna flash their name so you think it is cheaper.

As far as we can recall, this will be the first such event at the Friendly Confines, but it's only the latest in a long line of ways the Ricketts and his team of marketers have figured out how to milk Wrigley Field.

Tickets are $10 for Bleachers, $25 to bring a blanket and sit on the field, or $75 to be a "VIP", sit closer on the field and get free food and drinks for a couple of hours.

They're gonna set up three 30-foot screens along the infield to show the 25 year old movie, and get this: "guests arriving before 7pm can take part in a historic attempt to top the world record for Most People Singing in the Round. A stadium-wide rendition of "Danke Schoen" pits left and right field against each other in aural combat, with all participants counted toward the immoral record by official cleverly disguised as counting Muppets."

Dear Lord...

Star Wars Day At Wrigley

For reasons beyond us, today was Star Wars Day at Wrigley Field.

My grandson, Jeremy volunteered to head down to the game to take some photographs. He didn't pay the extra $50 to actually sit in the Star Wars Section, and as you can see neither did a whole heck of a lot of people.

Oh, and if anyone cares - The Cubs lost to the Astros 3-2

Wrigley Ready for Final Homestand

An early chill of Fall is in the air as the Chicago Cubs (65-85) get set to host the Houston Astros (51-98) to start the final homestand of 2011.

This here, is Playoff weather - or so I'm told.

A couple of items to perhaps witness during these last 6 games:
Attendance going over 3 million for the year, again - somehow
Starlin Castro getting his 200th hit on the season - that would be dandy
and Houston suffering their 100th loss of the year - be nice to see

Go Cubs

Star Wars Night At Wrigley Field? With only one homestand left, Cubs pulling out all the stops

The Chicago Cubs need to average a little over 32,000 fans a day over their final 6 game homestand to reach their magic 3 million attendance figure. Well sir, it appears the boys over at marketing are pulling out all the stops to make certain it happens

First you've got Friday's game which they've dubbed: "Music Night" where they say they'll let something called "loopt" hand out "FREE Song Downloads from Today’s Hottest Artists!" Whatever the hell that means. Funny thing is: Music Night is during a DAY game, and even more hilarious is the fact that the "first 40,000 fans" will get these songs. They'll be lucky to have 30,000 actual people show up.
On Sunday the 18th they're having "Star Wars Night" - again, during a DAY game - where you can "watch the Cubs use the Force" against the Houston Astros. 
Come again?
The kicker is that this thing won't be free for the first 40,000 fans. This thing costs money. "JUST $50 includes a special Cubs "Use the Force for Good" Star Wars t-shirt and a Bleacher Box ticket in the special Star Wars section, where you can enjoy the game with fellow fans. During the game, you'll be treated to appearances from some of your favorite Star Wars characters!"
I'd be willing to bet an Old Style that this Bleacher Box section will be more interested in starting The Wave than watching the game

September 11, 2001

This here is one of my more prized possessions - from that damn awful day.

Hard to believe it has been 10 years. . .

But let me tell ya, I still believe the same damn thing we all thought that night - as soon as the dust began to settle:

God Bless America.

Unfortunate Wrigley Field Headlines of the Week

Two news stories came out today about our beloved Wrigley Field.

First they announced that our alderman and the Cubs are pushing for a "Movie Night" sometime in October inside the Friendly Confines. Why, you might ask?

Because: "You’d make money — not from the ticket price, but from the advertisement and concession salessaid Mike Lufrano, Cubs general counsel and executive vice-president of community affairs.

Unfortunately, a second news story also came out about Wrigley Field today: Black Slime Found Among Concessions at Wrigley Field.

Good luck with that one there, Mike.

Blog Contest! What movie should they show at Wrigley Field for the first ever "Movie Night"?

At yesterday's City Council meeting, Wrigleyville Alderman Tom Tunney introduced an exception to the City's limit on night games at Wrigley Field. The request wasn't to allow for playoff games this fall (LOL) it was so the Cubs could host thier first ever "Movie Night"!

So, here's the contest:

What movie should they show?

The winner (decided by Grandpa and the boys) will receive One Cold Beer!

We'll pick the winner and mail out your cash in time to enjoy one last Old Style before the end of the season - a $7 value!

Please leave us some way to reach you via twitter handle, email, whatev..

Good luck

Old Style BACK As Official Beer of Wrigley Field

It’s good to see that some traditions do in fact die hard.

You see, about a month or so back we learned that some big wigs who just took over at Old Style had decided to take their beer and leave Wrigley Field - after 61 seasons at the park.

We heard all sorts of reasons: That the Cubs were charging them too much to be the “official beer”, or that the new owners were just kooks looking to “rebrand” their beer or some such nonsense like that.

As you can imagine, this proposal caused a bit of a stir around here. For one thing, it seemed like a piss poor business decision. Besides Cubs fans, who the heck even drinks the stuff? Nobody I’ve ever heard of.

Not that I give a damn, but It also made the Cubs look bad. You see, even though Ricketts and his clowns probably wouldn’t be to blame for the move, we all sure the heck would have blamed em. Those suits had to know that substituting Old Style with some other big name beer would've just looked like another greedy decision guided more by the bottom line than by what is right.

Well sir, we received some rare good news from The Friendly Confines this evening when we learned the beer isn’t going anywhere. For at least the next two seasons, Old Style will remain the Official Beer of Wrigley Field just like it’s been since 1950.

Who knows what’ll happen after that, but we sure will take it.

Go Cubs