Blog Contest! What movie should they show at Wrigley Field for the first ever "Movie Night"?

At yesterday's City Council meeting, Wrigleyville Alderman Tom Tunney introduced an exception to the City's limit on night games at Wrigley Field. The request wasn't to allow for playoff games this fall (LOL) it was so the Cubs could host thier first ever "Movie Night"!

So, here's the contest:

What movie should they show?

The winner (decided by Grandpa and the boys) will receive One Cold Beer!

We'll pick the winner and mail out your cash in time to enjoy one last Old Style before the end of the season - a $7 value!

Please leave us some way to reach you via twitter handle, email, whatev..

Good luck


  1. The only movie that prominently features Wrigley Field is Rookie of the Year. So that's a must. @StevenTrue

  2. Definitely Rookie.

    Then League of Their Own perhaps?

  3. It's got to be 'This Old Cub'. It's such a perfect tribute to Ron Santo.

  4. Field of Dreams @natedog2827

  5. Angels In The Outfield =]


  6. The Natural w/Robert Rredford,it's a natural.

  7. Nightmare on Clark Street
