Go Cubs Go Hottie

Cubs Win! Cubs Win! LOL

Cubs vs Cardinals: Two Teams Not Making The Playoffs

This afternoon the Chicago Cubs (54-70) host the St. Louis Cardinals (66-58) at beautiful Wrigley Field.

Took a gander at the standings in the paper this morning and I see here that the Cards are 6 1/2 games out of 1st as well as the Wild Card. Now, I don't typically take pleasure in another teams misfortune, but it is good to know that just like our Cubs - the Cardinals look to be watching the playoffs from their couches.
Oh and by the way, The Cubs fired GM Jim Hendry this morning.

Go Cubs

Ron Santo Statue Sneak Peek

The Old Cub will forever stand at Wrigley Field...

A few workers have installed a nice banner and what looks to be a dandy statue for our old pal, Ron Santo, who passed last December. Ernie and Billy already have have their statues - both with the Cubs greats up to bat. But Ronnie is captured in this here statue playing defense - forever frozen firing the ball across the diamond from third.

The dedication ceremony will be held before Wednesday's game against the Washington Nationals at 5:30 pm

Welcome Home Cubs - You Magnificent Bastards

Looks to be a dandy day for some baseball
The Chicago Cubs (47-65) return to Wrigley Field this afternoon riding a season high 5 game win streak. Not that it really matters at this point, but it sure has been nice to see the boys rattle off a few wins in a row.
Today we take on the Cincinnati Reds (54-57) and the Washington Nationals (53-58) will be in on Monday. It's only a 6 game homestand, and I tell you what, sure would be nice to see the Cubs with a 11 game win streak before they leave town again.

Former Cubs skipper, Dusty Baker this morning
Not certain what this means

Some Inside Scoop Into Ron Santo's Statue

The late Ron Santo's statue will be dedicated outside of his beloved Wrigley Field on August 10th, 2011. The Cubs haven't said too much about the statue, but we believe we have at least found out where Ron's likeness will go.

You see, while "roadies" were hard at work turning Wrigley Field into a rock-n-roll stadium for this week's Paul McCartney show, a few Cubs folks were also hard at working pouring concrete. Now that the post-concert dust has settled, there is a statue sized square of concrete right near the Billy Williams statue. The one that went in just this last year. 

One would suppose that Ron Santo's statue will takes its place right here, right next to his old buddy.

Paul McCartney Says: Let's Play Two!

Here are some photographs from around Wrigley Field before tonight's second and final show at historic Wrigley Field.