Paul McCartney Says: Let's Play Two!

Here are some photographs from around Wrigley Field before tonight's second and final show at historic Wrigley Field.


  1. I was deceived into buying tickets to the Paul McCartney show on 7/31/11. I attended a Cubs game last year at 3639 and fully enjoyed it, so when they sent out emails to previous guests to purchase the concert tickets I jumped at the opportunity. Did I for one minute think I would be staring at the back of an enclosed stage with the speakers not even angled in our direction where as every word was muffled and the sound was horrible. No where on their web page did they mention partial or full obstruction as do other venues who sell concert tickets(which they were). When speaking with other people at the concert(which it really wasn't seeing how not only were their no performers to view but also the sound was horrible) they too were upset about the deceptive practices of this business. Not one person I spoke to realized they would have no view of the concert. So just to show you what type of people the owners of 3639 are I visited their facebook page and left the same comments that I have written here and guess what, they deleted them and removed me from their public page. They wouldn't even respond to my comments to try and defend themselves. I guess their is no defense when you practice deceptive selling tactics. A final note, I normally would not spend time reviewing a business and never have-that being said I hope people spread the word about this place as I will continue to pursue legal action against them.

  2. Thanks for posting these pictures, they were the exact ones that I was looking to add to a photo book I'm making for my Mom about the concert. I hope you don't mind me borrowing them. as for the above post, I would be furious as well and I'm sorry that you had such a negative experience. They really should have done something better, but that does entail customer service, which is lacking in the world today. You got screwed, and I would be upset, too. Thankfully, my Mom had a better experience, and thought that the concert was amazing, something she'll remember forever! thanks for the pics!
