Two Dude's Epic Quest to Find a Beer After a Cubs Game

Because after you've drank beer for many, many hours - while watching the Cubs suck it up - the first thing you need after leaving Wrigley: another beer.

Tex and I found ourselves stumbling down Clark, literally down the middle of the street; looking for a bar, any bar without a line. But, unfortunately . . . the 20,000 other Cubs fans that just left Wrigley were looking for the same thing: another beer.

Clark St. - post-game
To add to the drama; both Tex and I really, really had to pee, and there was just no way we were going to survive a wait in a line. . . no matter how short it might be. 

SOMEHOW we found a bar on the right just before Newport; no clue what the place was called. Thank God it had the three things we were looking for: no line, a pisser, and most importantly: another beer.

It was Epic, I tell you!
A shot from whatever bar we were at, post-game.

1 comment:

  1. The fact that you wanted beer and had to piss is worthy of a blog post?

    Seriously, let the old guys write from now on.
