Good Night and Good Luck

Scoreboard Sunset
There's something special about the night prior to a Cubs season.

You see, we've all had an off-season to forget about last year; time to try and forget about all those seasons of the past.

Opening Day Eve isn't about that past garbage. It's a night to focus on the future. To let yourself imagine what could be.

To hope.

And to let yourself believe that this season - that this year - is the year.

Go Cubs.

We will see you at the ballpark tomorrow.

United's Fancy Club

The New "United Club"
Some genius once said that he didn't care to belong to any club that would have him as a member. Well sir, I also don't care to be a member of this club at Wrigley that WON'T have me.

I've never been into Wrigley's fancy "Stadium Club" and I probably never will be. So I don't give a good darn that the changed the name to "The United Club"

But they did.

Wrigley Gets Hosed

Ah, that new ballpark smell! 

Wrigley Field just got her annual Pre-Opening Day scrub down. The bricks are clean enough to eat off of (for at least one day). I WOULD NOT try it on Friday afternoon. 

I hope they took these power scrubbers to the bathrooms and gave the troughs a good blast.

Torco Billboard For Opening Day

The old Torco billboard has been updated for Opening Day. Wish it just said - TORCO, but what are you gonna do? It's one of the few advertisements around the park that we don't mind - to drink.

Ready for Opening Weekend

Wrigley About Ready For Opening Day

Well sir, it appears the cluttering of Wrigley Field will be an annual event. With four more player banner surrounding the Marquee than last year, the ballpark looks darn close to ready for Opening Day.

Banner To The Beloved

Wrigley field has been been all dolled up with player banners; highlighting the current best of the Cubs best. But they still decided to focus on the past with one prominent banner facing Clark Street.

A banner on Cubs greats: Ernie Banks, Billy Williams, the late Ron Santo, Fergie Jenkins, Andre Dawson, Ryne Sandberg and Greg Maddox. I reckon they ran out of room for Sammy Sosa and Mark Grace.

The Old Budweiser Building Gets Another New Roof

For years the red roof of the old Budweiser Building sat there behind the left field wall, but like most things in and around the stadium. . . things changed. Two seasons ago, after some bit of a hubbub, the roof was painted black and became an advertisement for a local casino.

Strolling by Wrigley Field this afternoon, I noticed that the roof has changed once again. Now the thing is a bright blue and has become an advertisement for United Airlines. Take a gander:

Chicago Cubs Unveil New Ad Campaign

#WINNING replacing the Cubs unsuccessful IT'S A (W)AY OF LIFE campaign

Cubs Celebrate Their Bench With New Banners at Wrigley

The annual cluttering of Wrigley Field has begun. No doubt they will cover every possible spot with banners and advertisements before Opening Day.

These here seem to be celebrating the Cubs role players. We had to do some internet researching, and we think we figured out who the players are.

So here's to you, bench players. Go Cubs Go!

It's Our Twitter Birthday

One year ago today TheWrigleyBlog started up an account on the Twitter. And although - truth be told - we started it just as a way to trick people into visiting our blog, I gotta admit, the thing is darn enjoyable.

Here is a look back at our first year:

I wasn't too keen on the idea at first:

But, about a week into it, we had my first conversation:

And soon enough, we started getting some "followers"; including one - on my birthday - thanks to Jeremy asking nicely of a very kind young lady:

Another young fella - and fellow Cubs fan - was awfully considerate:

And by seven months we were all the way up to 500 "followers" - no. 500 being:

The Twitter is entertaining, but it has also been a dandy way to get a story out:

And - I'll admit it - sometimes it's darn exciting. Like two nights ago when an ESPN celebrity sent out something Jeremy wrote to darn near half the country.

And thanks to interactions like that - after one year, we are just floored to have well over 1,000 "followers". 1,000 folks out there, reading the nonsense that a couple of old-timers and one whippersnapper type up from time to time.

and we thank you kindly.

Wayne Buckner

Chicago Cubs Ticket SNAFU

Ever hear the phrase that something's not worth paper it's printed on? Well, I get that feeling looking at my Cubs tickets for this upcoming season.

But, one in particular stood out when I was looking through the stack of overpriced stubs. I had the kid blow it up to make certain I was seeing things right.  Sure as shite, I was.

These IDIOTS have an photograph of COREY flippin PATTERSON's name up to bat?! Of all the flash-in-pan, useless, no-good, pretty boys they could have picked from... I've spent the last five seasons trying to forget about Corey friggin Patterson.

Is this some sort of sick joke?

You've Gotta Be Kidding Me

Jeremy was nice enough to dig deeper into this and actually found out that this game on the ticket - on this 2011 ticket - took place on June 7th, 2004. And the Cubs lost to the Cardinals that night 4-3.

Spring has Sprung

While our Cubbies are gearing up for the season in sunny Arizona, we've been freezing our butts off here in Chicago. But before long, those beautiful pink flowers will be opening, and the birds and bees will be making their sweet, sweet music in the wonderful weather of Spring.

Lots of people look to that damm rat in Pennsylvania to tell them when Winter will be over. But not me...I just look around and I can tell for myself.

I am here to officially declare that Spring Has Sprung as I just spotted the first sign right here:

I got your Signs of Spring right here

Signs of Spring - Torco Sign Updated

The Torco Sign: a Sign of Spring
At least this one was written by someone who's appears to know the game.
Too bad it didn't go up when pitchers and catchers were actually reporting. . .

But either way: I'll drink to that.

Uh . . . Nevermind

So . . .

Yeah . . . Turns out the sign mentioned in Grandpa's last post ended up inside the stadium near Gate K. We apologize to anyone emotionally traumatized by our earlier assumption.

The Signs New Home

More Signage At Wrigley Field?

It looks to me like the Cubs are about to add some another advertisement to beautiful Wrigley Field.

Last season there was quite a hubbub around that giant Toyota Sign being installed. Ol Mr. Ricketts did his darnedest to tell us how important is was and not to worry about it hurting the quality of the stadium. He also said - to our relief - that he had no intentions to install other signs along the outfield.
Well sir, I was quite surprised to spot a rather large advertisment on a flatbed beyond the left field foul pole. This sure does look like a sign to me and judging by the large cherry picker parked behind it, I'd reckon this thing is destined to be hung somewhere on this stadium we love. 

UPDATE: Nevermind

Happy St. Patricks Day

Green is the color of the day today. And I reckon, there isn't too much nicer of a green around here than that of the green grass of Wrigley Field. The snow is gone, the off-season work is wrapping up, and we hope there is enough luck of the Irish out there to help bring a winner back to the North Side.

Happy Saint Patrick's Day
Reinstalling the infield

The sprinklers are back on

Replacing the brick wall that came out for the Northwestern football game.

Think Your Job Sucks?

Well, it probably does. . .

But, there can't be too many jobs out there more boring than that of:
Chicago Cubs Ticket Booth Operator:
Chicago Cubs Tickets: Get Em While They're HOT!!!

The Sounds of Progess at Wrigley Field

We still aren't for certain what they've been up to since October to renovate the inside of old Wrigley Field, but they sure did make a racket for part near the entire offseason.

Take a listen for yourself:

Green Clad Drunkards Invade Wrigleyville

Well sir, it's that time of year again.
Downtown, it's time for them to dye the river green, and up here around Wrigley Field, it's time waste a perfectly good day drinking it the bars. Youngsters dressed in green are out and about this morning, looking for a good time. No doubt it's the only thing that could get them out of bed before noon.

Wrigley Field Offseason Renovations

They came out with a slogan for last season, the first year of the Ricketts' Family reign over the Chicago Cubs. They called it YEAR ONE. And that year started with awful lot of renovations around the old ballpark. To the Scoreboard, The Marquee, and at Addison & Sheffield.

This year - I reckon they are calling it YEAR TWO - there has been less work done; some concrete patching here, and some painting there. On the exterior, the main renovating was done near the new home of the Billy Williams statue in the Right Field corner. They removed the old metal gates at Gate C and D and replaced them with a new set. They also did some work with the concrete and steel. Definitely less done than last year, but we appreciate the upkeep of the old girl. Please take a gander at a few of our photographs of the work.

Cubs To Sell Blizzard Snow

Cubs Snow
The Chicago Cubs are going to start selling excess snow from the Great Chicago Blizzard of 2011, a team official said today.

The idea is to let fans take home a piece of history while making a few bucks, according to Wally Hayward, chief of sales and marketing for the club.

“The Chicago Cubs are constantly trying to come up with creative ways to improve our revenue stream. And this pile of snow we had sitting around just seemed like a good fit." Hayward said

During the blizzard that hit Chicago on the evening of January 31st, the Cubs were kind enough to let roughly 250 city snow trucks dump their loads in empty parking lots. City officials have said that their next closest option would have been up on Wilson Ave. The use of Wrigley Field saved the city around half an hour in driving time, per truck.

"Where some would simply see this as an act of generosity" said Hayward "We see it as an opportunity to make some cash."

Beginning tomorrow morning, Cubs personnel will be on hand to take your money and point you to the pile. The snow will be available in one of four pricing levels.
Bronze ($25): Bring your own container (120z or smaller)
Silver ($50): Take your snow in a authentic (extra small) Cubs souvenir helmet
Gold ($100) Bring your own cooler
Marquee ($1,000) A souvenir helmet plus a snowball fight with Ronnie Woo Woo.

Hurry in for this once in a lifetime opportunity to own a piece of Chicago and Cubs history.
wrigley field snow

Nice Glasses

Tom Ricketts Glasses

Wrigley Field Tours Begin

Wrigley Tours Open
More signs of a return for Chicago Cubs Baseball.
Today, they began running fan tours of an empty - and cold - Wrigley Field. I try to take in a tour at least once a season. I tell you what, there is just something almost more beautiful and powerful about this place when she is empty.

Twitter friend Brian Bernardoni updated everyone with some dandy photographs and some even dandier words:

The scoreboard and the seats are empty for now, and the fans who will travel to see her aren't here. . . But, she is here. And she is getting herself ready for the new season.
She doesn't primp nor pose. She is steady and strong. Since 1914 millions have come to be part of this piece of hallowed ground which preserves Americana and our National Pastime. . .

Well done @BrianBernardoni, Well Done!
Wrigley Snow Field

Purdy Shot of the Week 8

Here's a dandy from last week.
Capturing a glorious sky, interrupted by only the iconic silhouette of Wrigley Field. . . well it speaks for itself.
Wrigley Field Silhouette
Sloop Purdy