Chicago Cubs Ticket SNAFU

Ever hear the phrase that something's not worth paper it's printed on? Well, I get that feeling looking at my Cubs tickets for this upcoming season.

But, one in particular stood out when I was looking through the stack of overpriced stubs. I had the kid blow it up to make certain I was seeing things right.  Sure as shite, I was.

These IDIOTS have an photograph of COREY flippin PATTERSON's name up to bat?! Of all the flash-in-pan, useless, no-good, pretty boys they could have picked from... I've spent the last five seasons trying to forget about Corey friggin Patterson.

Is this some sort of sick joke?

You've Gotta Be Kidding Me

Jeremy was nice enough to dig deeper into this and actually found out that this game on the ticket - on this 2011 ticket - took place on June 7th, 2004. And the Cubs lost to the Cardinals that night 4-3.


  1. Looks like you have to much time on your hands. I don't think anybody cares.

  2. Yikes, pre-renovated 'Bud-light Bleachers' and all.

  3. I remember one game at Wrigley when Corey P couldn't get a bunt down, he did something stupid on the bases AND misplayed a can of corn in CF.
    Nice work to the numnutz who couldn't find a better Cubby for the tix.

  4. Your dead wrong TicketMike, YOU cared enough to click this link and read the article!

  5. Agree with TicketMike. No one gives a shit except you.
