They Are Putting a Jumbotron in Wrigley Field

The day we have dreaded is here.

Today the Cubs "braintrust" announced: THEY ARE PUTTING A JUMBOTRON IN WRIGLEY FIELD.

Are we happy about this turn of events? No sir.

Did we start drinking heavily as soon as we found out? Yessir

We will have to get back to you with some rational thoughts at a later date, but let me tell ya - no matter how much we disagree with the decision, you can count on us to document the construction every step of the way.

Go Cubs


  1. Perhaps you should take a course on reading and comprehension. It's a LED board not a jumbotron.

  2. It's an LED scoreboard w/ no ability to have replays. That does not equal jumbtron. I've been going to Wrigley for the past 33 years. It needs an update. Go to Fenway and then tell me how great Wrigley really is.

  3. Was just at Fenway. It's a dump by comparison to Wrigley.

  4. Maybe they can post syntax exercises to the board, too!

  5. I just vomited. Next thing will be an fing mascot on the dugout doing the humpty dance. Why mess with the greatest baseball venue in the game? Oh...the Ricketts family needs a little money. They are like Nuke Laloosh...they dont give a f$$$.
