Toyota Sign Math

I just pulled out my trusty calculator.
Let's see here, the Cubs pay Alfonso Soriano 17 Million dollars per year.
The Toyota Billboard they want to put in (which by the way, will stay in the outfield a hellofa lot longer than Mr. Soriano will) is estimated to make the Cubs 2.5 Million dollars per year.

If my math is correct, that means:
That Toyota sign will make the Cubs enough money to pay Soriano to play just under 24 games.



  1. How many games will the sign allow Tyler Colvin to play, and is that a better ROI?

  2. $2.5 Million would buy Colvin's current contract for 6 full seasons plus another 37 games.

    Soriano makes more than 44 times as much as Colvin.

  3. Let me get this right, the Cubs need a sign to help pay for a guy who jumps when he catches routine flyballs, spits every 11 seconds, swings at off speed pitches outside the zone with a 38" bat, and plays with no heart.
    If we're going to put up signs to raise money why not spend it on guys who play for a love of the game.
