Wrigley Field Renovations - Scoreboard Work

Renovations to the backside of the scoreboard are underway.
They started by removing the CUBS letters (that giant C would have looked great above my davenport in the basement) and then took down the individual steel panels to reveal the inner workings of the manual scoreboard: zeros and all.

wrigley field scoreboard 2

wrigley field scoreboard 3

wrigley field scoreboard 4

wrigley field scoreboard 5

wrigley field scoreboard 6

wrigley field scoreboard 7


  1. This looks really hard to renovate this score board but you did well.

  2. Wow! This score board will look more beautiful and crowd friendly after renovation.

  3. Reformation always makes the thing more beautiful and wonderful. This scoreboard was really needed the renovation as it got.
