Cubs To Move Brick Wall Three Feet

Fresh off of suffering through our first 100 loss season since 1966, the Cubs went and announced that they're gonna move in the brick wall behind home plate.

They pulled a similar stunt back in 2004, adding three rows of "premium seating" for folks with money to burn.

Now, I couldn't fathom how much it costs to move a brick wall 3 feet, but based on how much the Cubs tend to charge for those seats, I reckon this move will bring in at least an extra million dollars a year. (56 seats x $200-300/game x 81 games)

I'm certainly not against the Cubs having more money available, but I doubt it'll turn much around come next season. Perhaps the only positive we Cubs fans can count on will be that knuckleheads like this guy will be three feet closer:

1 comment:

  1. This is the one thing that the Ricketts have proven to be proficient in.....Not owning a major league franchise, but maximizing profits while providing a substandard product to the fans. Dang, I wish Mark Cuban would have purchased this team!
