Joe Ricketts : Rocket Surgeon

Joe Ricketts is a rich man, and one would assume a smart man, but you know what they say happens when you ass-u-me.

The first inkling that something wasn't right came with this classic video (well worth the watch if you're a Cubs fan)

And listen, going all-in on the Cubs doesn't make you a smarty pants.

The second clue that Joe was a brain surgeon: his dabbling in politics.

Joe has spent a lot of money on the "Ending Spending Action Fund". Say what you will about spending money to end spending, but when your son is looking for government help with Wrigley Field: seems pretty brain surgeoney

Of course the cake came with news that ol Joe has out rocket scientisted himself by somehow associating with a race charged agenda that's only one “extremely literate conservative African-American” away from attacking President Obama out of office.

Hopefully no one will get that agenda confused with the one the other Ricketts' are pushing: The one where they need former Obama chief of staff and current Chicago Mayor Rahm Emanuel's help in renovating Wrigley Field.

Rocket Surgeon I tell ya.

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