Our Photos of the Year

Well sir, 2011 definitely wasn't "The Year" for our Cubs, but we had a dandy time documenting the old ballpark nonetheless. Here are some of our better photographs of the year. We sure hope you enjoy them.

Merry Christmas from The Wrigley Blog

Wherever you are today, we hope you have a Merry Christmas, and 100 days from now we hope to see you at Wrigley Field for Opening Day

TheWrigleyBlog Dictionary: Tebowing

For those of you who have something better to do than pay attention to kids these days:


te•bowing (tee-boh-ing) verb 1. The act of getting down on one knee and acting like you are praying to Tim Tebow.  
also see: buffoonery

via tebowing.com (i kid you not)

Ron Santo Elected to the Hall of Fame - A Year Too Late

Just over one year ago, us Cubs fans lost Ron Santo.

Today, Ronnie was voted into the baseball Hall of Fame - an honor he surely deserved and one that should've happened before he passed. They say it's better things happen late than never at all, but this here is still a damn shame.

There are two things Ron Santo never lived to see: the Hall of Fame and his beloved Cubs winning the World Series. I sure hope to heck I see both while still on God's green earth. Not much use for thing happening after you pass.

"Holiday Tree" Lighting Ceremony Planned at Wrigley. What in The Holy Heck is a Holiday Tree?

The other day we received following email from your Chicago Cubs:

The Friendly Confines will add another iconic symbol this holiday season: A 30-foot decorated holiday tree will welcome visitors and ice skaters to Wrigley Field when The Rink at Wrigley opens. A Grand Opening celebration is planned in coordination with the lighting of the decorated holiday tree near the Wrigley Field Marquee on Saturday, December 3, at 5 p.m.

What in the name of baby Jesus is a "holiday tree"? Is this thing trimmed with holiday lights and holiday decorations with the hope that good old holiday nick will deliver some holiday presents?

I understand why most folks take the safe route this time of year; wishing each other a "happy holiday's".. lord knows you wouldn't want to offend anyone. And I am absolutely certain that is what the Cubs braintrust is trying to avoid here - poorly.
Oh, to have been in that room to hear them them spitball this idea:

"Ok boys, we've decided to scrap the Holiday Menorah idea and go with a tree, but we can't call it a Christmas tree. Who's got any ideas?

"How bout a Season's Greetings Spruce?"

or ... a Festive Holiday Evergreen?"

"Why not call it a Well Lit Winter Tree?"

"or ... perhaps a Tall Non-Religious Shrub?"

"I got it... Decorated Holiday Tree! Brilliant!"

Now I'll be honest here, I don't exactly know why a decorated tree became the symbol for the birth of Jesus. But it did. And that symbol is known as a Christmas Tree. Now grow a pair of shiny oversized Christmas tree balls and call it what it is.