Cubs Sign Kim DeJesus' Husband To A 2-Year Deal

photo via @KimDeJesus12 (hope that's ok, Kim)
Kim DeJesus' already lucky husband got a little more fortunate today when he signed a 2 year contract with the Chicago Cubs worth 10 million dollars.

Kim's spouse spent 8 seasons with the Kansas City Royals and one - last season - with the Oakland A's. He has a .284 career batting average; hitting a total of 207 doubles, 50 triples, 71 home runs and 436 RBI. He also has a .356 on-base percentage, and a smoking hot wife.
The Cubs will introduce Mrs. DeJesus' significant other at a press conference from Wrigley Field tomorrow at 11 am. No word as of yet if Kim, a lifelong Cubs fan from Wheaton, Illinos, will be in attendance. (Hope so) 
Go Cubbies!

Lakeview Wal-Marts Opens Today

The Wal-Marts on Broadway that we told you about opened for business this morning - just a stone's throw from our beloved Wrigley Field.
They call it a "Wal-Marts Express" which sounds an awful lot like a "Walgreens Regular" to me. And seeing as how there's one of them Walgreens right next door, I reckon you can go compare for yourself.

My employment challenged grandson Jeremy jokes around that I should go get a job as a greeter. It wouldn't kill the kid to follow his own advice.

Ice Rink to Return to Wrigley

They were out there filling it with water this morning.
Historic Wrigley Field has hosted her fair share of non-baseball events over these years. Inside she's seen soccer and football, ice hockey and even golf. Outside, in the parking lots, they've held everything from street fairs to snowmobile jumping. And for the last three off-seasons they've done their best to turn the corner of Clark and Waveland into some sort of winter wonderland with a ice skating rink.

Now, you wouldn't catch me dead out there for fear of a broken hip, but this here "Rink at Wrigley" should be opening up this week. The Cubs had hoped to get her going on the 25th but of all things it's been too warm, if you'd believe that.

Go Cubs.

Catching Bartman

Well sir, I broke down and watched that there ESPN movie about that damn walking curse, Steve Bartman.  Now, I didn't want to because I figured it would be like watching old war footage and the nightmares would start up again, but I'd heard some of the boys down at the VFW talking about it, and they were sayin the whole thing was made to show that Bartman was a good guy and that the "Friendly Confines" weren't so friendly afterall.  Well, that got my damn blood a boilin, so I grabbed a couple Schlitz and the remote and got ready to start my own one-man A'Hole chant right there in my livin room.

The movie started off talkin about ol' Bill Buckner, who if you remember right, was a pretty damn good player back in his days at Wrigley til he went off to Boston and forgot how to field a grounder  Then came the talk of the 2003 season, and all these guys pourin salt on the wound of how good the Cubs were that season...and dammit the Cubs were good that year!!  We had Prior and Wood, Gonzalez and Karros, probably our best team in a damn long time. Then came the buildup to that Game 6 debacle that will forever be burned into my head.    3-0, top of the 8th, 5 outs away from the Series and Luis Castillo hits a foul ball the other way near the left field wall.  Alou's got a line on it, then...WTF?!  Some greedy green-turtlenecked, 1987 Walkman-wearin bastard wantin a souvenir to show his mommy when he got home, knocked it away, along with the hopes and dreams of almost 100 years of Cubs fans. 

I sat there watchin and takin a drink evertime they showed it.  I took it all in until it showed where the computer boys worked their magic and took away all of the fans from the video.  They could show that if no one had touched the ball, Alou would have caught it!!!...I couldn't take it any more so I grabbed my '84 Sandberg homerun ball and threw it through the TV.  And just so everyone knows, I caught it that ball way up away from the field where there was no way I would have ruined the Cubs chances of a pennant.  This Cub fan knows the rules of how not to screw your team and town...if only Bartman did too.

Johnny Davis

TheWrigleyBlog Dictionary: Sveum

sveum (swaym) noun 1. The 52nd manager of the Chicago Cubs, Dale Sveum.

Rhymes with:

Unfortunately, it also rhymes with:

Restored Ernie Banks Statue Looks Spiffy

Ernie Banks' bronze statue returned to Wrigley Field today after a week of restoration, and boy does it look spiffy. Apparently the likeness of Mr. Cub was starting to turn green prematurely so they did what they had to do. For good measure they also brightened up the blue accents that were much more subtle when unveiled back in March of '08. That bright blue now matches Ronnie Santo over on Addison.

Let me tell ya, it's a real dandy!

Extreme Snowmobiling Coming To Wrigley Field

Well I'll be...

Something called the "Red Bull Fuel and Fury" is heading to Wrigley Field this Saturday, November 5th, from 5-8pm. This looks to be some type of stunt show with snowmobiles set for the Clark Street parking lot.

What will they think of next?

It says here that eight of the world's top snowmobilers (how many can there possibly be) will "ascend into the night sky" next to historic Wrigley Field. This will supposedly place our beloved ballpark "into uncharted territory - the center of an extreme machine playground" (wowzers) and "if history is any indicator, the spectacle promises to be and outdoor laboratory for extreme innovation"

You know, I've come to notice that kids these days like to talk about extreme this and extreme that. Try living through a Chicago winter with not much more than a blanket or a Chicago summer without air conditioning. That there is extreme...

In case you were wondering, the event will include Winter X Games (never heard of it) gold medalist Daniel Bodin, plus Heath Frisby (frisby?) and Justin Hoyer, as well as all-stars (all-stars of what?) Cory Davis, Jimmy Fejas and Jeff Mullen. The competition will be scored by a "panel of five judges, all of whom are industry heavyweights" (impressive)

Gates at the corner of Clark and Addison will open at 5pm and the show will start at 6. Admission is free to the public and "for sure...  will be insane!"

It's Official: Waters To Bring "The Wall" To Wrigley on June 8, 2012

A press conference will be held later today to announce that Roger Waters of Pink Floyd will play Wrigley Field on June 8th 2012. Tickets will go on sale on November 14th. 
Also announced: There are plans for an additional concert on June 9th (Grandpa's birthday) but "no additional details are available at this time". Not sure if that means Waters will perform "The Wall" twice or if there will be two different concerts.
Either way... Let the Pearl Jam rumors commence!