Our Least Read Headlines 2010

The Cubs Season is over. We here at The Wrigley Blog are looking back at the last 7 months to bring you a Bottom 5 list of our least read, least commented on, and - I reckon- our least important posts of the year. Enjoy:

#5 Treadmill Delivered
We were never able to verify whether it was a treadmill or one of them elliptical machines, but it was kinda funny that it took 10 men to unload it.
wrigley field treadmill

#4 Sheffield Road To Be Repaved
Not important enough to read about I guess, but the new road is a beaut!
sheffield repaved

#3 Recycling Bins Installed
Taking care of the earth is important and everything but no one cares
recycle wrigley field

#2 Workers Work On Something
We couldn't figure out what they were doing up there
workers wrigley

#1 Sidewalk Closed
Kinda speaks for itself

sidewalk closed wrigley field

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