Walking Around The Ballpark

I wasn't able to come across any tickets to this last homestand.

Although I was unable to enjoy the action inside the ballpark, that didn't stop me from enjoying the scenery in the vicinity; if you know what I mean.

I really think I might have to update my equipment to one of them digital type cameras. It is quite frustrating going to the trouble of shooting these and developing these just to find that I only have a few that I would consider locker-worthy.

Then again, who am I kidding; I do enjoy taking these photos no matter how they turn out. Happy Memorial Day Everybody.

wrigley foot fetish 1

wrigley foot fetish 2

Tex Arrested!!!

My Pally Tex was arrested yesterday after the dumba$$ decided to jump onto the field.

I'm not sure what pushed him over the edge. Could've been the fact that the Cubbies were down 5 - zip before most people had even enjoyed their first beer or the fact that we had already had a sixer by then (that's what happens in the bleachers when you gotta show up 2 hours before gametime)

It could've been the fact that we were surrounded by a bunch of douche Cardnal fans or the fact that I spent the entire game giving him a giant pile of $hit because the dumba$$ painted an "E" on his chest... For absolutely no reason!! I'm mean, it just didn't make any sense at all. lol!

If you take a look at the picture, I think the lesson to be learned by Tex is: workout less and practice your drinking more.

Now gotta go bail him out. dbag.

wrigley field tex arrested

Purdy Shot of the Week 3

I call this immense beauty: Wind - Blowing In

Just tremendous

Sloop Purdy

Toyota Sign One Step Closer

wrigley field toyota sign 3
That there giant advertisement - The Toyota Sign - looks to be on the way. An article from a day or two back says the City Council's Building Committee approved the permit after my local Alderman, Tom Tunney changed his mind. Now originally, Mr. Tunney said that he didn't support putting up the sign "as it is not in keeping with the character of the neighborhood or with the spirit of the city's landmarks ordinance."

Now three week later: nothing has changed with the sign, and nothing has changed with the character of this neighborhood, but something has apparently changed with Mr. Tunney. He now supports the sign. He gave his support on the condition that the Cubs promise not to put up any more giant signs for the next four years. Now to you youngsters out there - four years may sound like a long time - but let me tell ya, that is a blink of an eye compared to the long history of this stadium. The only piece of mind that four year hiatus can bring me is knowing that I might not be around to see what they come up with next after it is over.

Lights Go Out at Wrigley Field

Last night as I was listening to the game - all of our lights went out. Now I am smart enough to have a radio that doesn't require a plug so I was able to hear that the same thing was happening down the street at Wrigley Field. Says here in the paper that a tree branch up on Racine took down a power line and took with it the electricity of me, my neighbors about about 35,000 fans in the Stadium - second lowest attended game this year, by the way.

Also says here that the last time the lights went out was during the 2003 season. I think we all remember what happened that year. Time to get your season tickets back Steve Bartman.

no lights wrigley field

Plenty of Tickets Still Available

Now I tell you what, I don't recall a time over the last few years where they have advertised this much about having tickets available to Cubs games. And it isn't just mid-week day games - we are talking about every single game. Even in the ever-popular bleachers - only Friday and Saturday games are sold out.

Now I think one reason for less folks attending these games is that the Cubs currently stink. But, I can tell you for certain that they have been much, much worse over the years and not had these problems this early in the season.

I think the main reason attendance is heading south is that times are tough for a lot of folks - but at the same time ticket prices keep going up. These tickets are very pricey and getting pricier every year. The Cubs are going to find themselves what they call a tipping point pretty soon if they continue to jack up the prices.

Now I do not consider myself a Nostradamus type, but I think the Cubs better watch themselves if they don't want it to get worse. I think the powers that be better stop focusing so much on adding advertisement and jumbotrons and all of that. Unless they plan on using that income to help keep ticket prices in check - which I seriously doubt they will - they could sure well find themselves in a world of hurt.

UPDATE: Tuesday nights game had an announced attendance of 34,749. That is 2,000 less than any other game so far this season - including so called "bronze" games - mid week - in the cold.
I'm telling ya: something is going on here.

On Second Thought - Mr. Ricketts

Having a night to sleep on it; I think maybe I kind of over did it with my last "post". But there are just a few things that make my blood boil and Tommy boy just about touched all of them. I seriously don't care if I ever see the Cubs win another game as long as I can keep Wrigley Field the way it is or was. Does this idiot think every game is a sell out because we think the Cubs are going to win it all? Better yet does he think that a few more millions will magically make a sucky organization world champs? I don't think so. I am pretty sure the Cubs have just as much money as anyone else in the Central Division yet how often have we even made the playoffs? Time to re-evaluate your priorities TOM!

Dear Mr. Ricketts

toyota wrigley field
Now I read what Cubs owner Mr. Ricketts had to say about his plans for Wrigley Field. Basically he said the Toyota Sign is going up, they are "studying" adding a Jumbotron, and selling the naming rights to Wrigley are "a real possibility."

Someone needs to sit that boy down and have a serious and I do mean serious talk with him. This is totally irrational thinking by an owner of the last shrine to Americas game. I guess my love affair with the cubs and the idea of professional baseball will end with the jumbotron at " CORPORATE SELLOUT FIELD".

I hope that a world series ring will fulfill your dreams Mr. Ricketts. Because you will be crushing the last bastion of hope for anyone who believes in doing what is right. I do at my ripe old age still believe that in the end it's not about who wins or loses but how you play the game!


HawksTown USA

I basically roam around the same three or four blocks each and every day. I am blessed that in the middle of my little part of Chicago is Wrigley Field. Now I have never been to the Chicago Stadium to watch a Blackhawks game, but I do believe I would like to do that one day. It occurs to me that I am not certain about getting tickets or how I'd even get down there. I suppose there is a train stop near by.

Now I'm off on a tangent here. What I'm getting at is that my neighborhood - and I'm certain many a neighborhood around this city - are very excited about the Blackhawks current playoff run. It is just dandy to see this place rally around a winning team. It is just too bad that the team isn't the Cubs.

The State of the Cubs

My grandson Jeremy found this story on his computer. It says right here that Cubs owner Tom Ricketts was on some radio show discussing the state of the cubs.

Now, I hope that those fellas at the radio station won't sue me for repeating some of Mr. Ricketts' quotes. They are interesting, but might bring on a few palpitations.

First, I will start with the good news - Mr. Ricketts said that he is "committed to making sure the same feeling that you have the first time you walk into Wrigley Field is the same feeling your father or your grandfather had when they walked in."

The not so good news - "The Toyota Sign will get up. We're just going through the process. There were a few people who had some honest objections to it from a preservationist standpoint, and we do respect those people. The majority of the push back on the sign was not from a preservation standpoint."

Potential bad news - Are they gonna to add a Jumbotron? "I don't know. We're studying everything right now."

And the potential very bad news - Are they gonna sell the naming rights to Wrigley Field? "That's a real possibility. We're not in any discussions on that, and we haven't made any discussions on that. One of the things I hope most really serious fans understand is that those kind of naming rights deals and the kind of revenue you can create from that are dollars that can be brought into the team and re-deployed toward player salaries or toward more amenities in the ballpark. So it's important that you keep your options open on that."

And Down Goes the Banners

Those player banners they put up for Opening Day are coming back down. The paper said at the time that they were only temporary, and I tell ya, I think it's a pretty good idea to get rid of em. If these current winning ways do not continue and the season heads south, chances are the Cubs are gonna trade some of those players on them giant banners. This way you avoid a situation where you have to look at a giant photo of the guy you just shipped out of town.

wrigley field player banners 1

wrigley field player banners 2

Lou Looking Over His Shoulder?

I read in the paper here that Cubs management says it has not even thought about getting rid of Lou Piniella early. That being said, a Cubs beat reporter also called it "the dreaded vote of confidence."
I'd say it just depends on whether or not they start winning.

Walking by the stadium this morning - Is it just me or does Lou kind of seem to be looking over his shoulder?

wrigley field lou piniella

Rock Bottom - We Will See

The Cubs have rattled off their first winning streak in ages with a victory over Colorado late last night. Perhaps that near sweep vs the Pirates was rock bottom for these boys. Only time will tell.

wrigley field torco colorado

Ruckus scheduled for June 13th

I saw in the paper here that they are going to move the Sunday June 13th game against the Southsiders to a night game. I remember a time when not only were games solely played in the daylight, they also were never played against the White Sox.

You get those fans in the black and white up here and have em play under the lights.. Well sir, you get one result - A ruckus, that's what you get.

Buyers Heading For The Cellar

For the last little while I think we have gotten used to a pretty decent Chicago Cubs team. At the same time, the Pittsburg Pirates have been pretty bad. The Cubs have been buyers, living near the top of the division. The Pirates have been sellers, typically finishing in the cellar.

Well friends, the history of baseball is long and I believe it is time to forget about the recent trends. The Pirates are poised to sweep the Cubs for the second time this season. Perhaps it is time to realize that the Chicago Cubs are not the team we have foolishly become accustomed to.

UPDATE: Cubs avoid the sweep and avoid going into last place for at least today, but they stand at 16-22. Not good.


Purdy Shot of the Week 2

I call this one: Cloudy Day Game


Purdy Shot Wrigley Field
Sloop Purdy

Waterboarded For Dang Sake

Perhaps the fellas at Miller's Lite got the message. They replaced the Torco advertisement with something a little less overconfident - something more fitting for a under-performing team.

Instead, they went with something that just doesn't make sense. Confuse em into drinking the product, I guess.

I don't understand it but I did try out one of them fancy twisted-neck Miller's Lite bottles the other day. I dang near waterboarded myself.

Wrigley Field Miller Lite

Hot Dog Guy Takes A Whiz

Check out this hot dog guy.
The dude looks dirty anyway, and then drags that thing into a porta-crapper.

Dude is just filthy LOL!

wrigley field hot dog 1

wrigley field hot dog 2

wrigley field hot dog 3

Billboard Not Helping

I think the marketing department up at Miller's Lite needs to understand a few things:
1. The Cubs are not good at baseball right now.
2. You see that other sign right next door? The one that says we haven't won a World Series in 101 years... Well sir, the team we are playing has won two series in the last 12.

Perhaps we should try something a little less brazen.
Like: Avoid the Sweep! or Drink More, Boo Less.

Wrigley Field Miller Lite

Starlin Castro Defaced at Wrigley Field

My friends and I here at The Wrigley Blog had a bet going: How long will the honeymoon last with rook Starlin Castro following his record breaking first game. Our guesses ranged from as high as all season to as low as one home stand. The answer: 8 innings.

The kid had a terrible game and after his 3rd error, was actually booed by some in the stadium. It is unbelievable to me. I've had bouts of constipation last longer than this kids journey from team savior to scapegoat.

Starlin Castro Booed

Wrigley Field Ready For Starlin Castro

Following Starlin Castro's historic debut with the Chicago Cubs on Friday night, they have made a few changes to Wrigley Field. They have replaced the player banners that have been in place since Opening Day. Gone are the banners for Soriano, Zambrano, Dempster and Lee as well as Piniella, Lilly, Marmol and Ramirez. In their place are 8 banners showing off Stalin Castro's prowess both at bat and in the field.

By the way, according to our blog historian Harold, Castro became the first player to hit for 6 RBI in a big league debut. He is also the 3rd youngest player to homer in his first at-bat, and is the 6th player in Cubs History to accomplish the feat.

Starlin Castro Banners

Post Wave Record

So, what exactly is the Cubs record since they started doing The Wave the other day??

Oh... 2 and 4, you say?

The team comes back to play at Wrigley Field tomorrow.
I sure do hope we have learned a lesson here.

I guess I got ahead of myself. Record, Post-Wave: 2-5 . horrendous

Purdy Shot of the Week 1

I've convinced the boys here at The Wrigley Blog to try and add a little class to this whole "documenting" idea. Instead of throwing together a few reactionary shots of some random event this is an attempt to bring something of thought and of beauty to this site. I've always been inspired by the majesty of Carleton Watkins, haunted by the shear truth of Timothy O'Sullivan, and ever delighted by the subtle charm of William Henry Jackson. These photographers are my heroes. Like them I work in sunlight and in film; in the cloud covered days and the dark quiet nights. Wrigley Field is my chosen canvas, and I sure do hope you enjoy these photographs; both today and beyond.

Sloop Purdy

Highlights - April 28, 2010

Went to my first game last week. We had seats in the shade, and it was awfully chilly. I probably spent more time looking at the nearby bleachers than I did at the action on the field. I do enjoy the sun and the scenery out there, if you know what I mean.

I'm hoping my young friend Jeremy can score us some left field seats soon. The sunlight out there often leads to more photographic opportunities and the lighting lends itself to better photos.

So, the weather wasn't great and I don't believe we won, but I did get a few good shots. Now I deal in film, so it does take me a few extra days to turn these things around. Here are a few of the better ones.

foot fetish 1

foot fetish 2

foot fetish 3

City Landmarks says OK to Toyota sign at Wrigley

wrigley field toyota sign 5They approved that Japanese car company advertisement. It says here they said that there sign "will not adversely affect the significant historical or architectural features" of Wrigley Field.
Also says that this isn't the last step if our Alderman Mr. Tunney calls for City Council approval. We will see.

UPDATE: The council voted 8-1 (one yellow-belly didn't vote) to approve it, but Mr. Tunney is now officially against the sign and says they will have to go through the City Council.

The Wave At Wrigley Field - My Response

Who did the Wave? Was it a bunch of White sox fans who got lost on the north side?
It's over, bulldoze it and build some more condos. I guess I can die knowing that I was there when it was real, fun, and not another circus that's about everything but baseball. I am sick. They can put up all the Japanese corporate advertising they want, I have TOTALLY LOST ALL HOPE.



A letter from Cubs Chairman Tom Ricketts

Dear Friends,

You've probably been hearing about the Toyota sign we've proposed for the back of the left field bleachers at Wrigley Field. As fans and neighbors, we want you to know why this is important to the team and how it can help preserve the Friendly Confines.

Monkey Rolls For Dang Heck

I'm not sure what to think about football coming back to Wrigley. I had to take a look at my diary to figure out when I last saw some football at Wrigley Field. Dang heck if it wasn't back in '65 when the 49ers came to town. Those California boys were doing monkey rolls right where the plate should have been. I kept asking them what the heck they were doing. How did jumping over each other and rolling get em' ready to play football? I don't know much but I guess karma caught up to those boys because that was the day Gale Sayers had 6 touchdowns.
This fall when those college boys come to town if they even think about getting into groups of three to do them darn monkey rolls I'm liable to come down there with my cane and check for protective cups if you catch my drift.

Wrigley Field and The Wave - A Brief History

Two historic events occured in 1984; one of great and lasting importance: The '84 Cubs, and the other was just a dang foolish fad: The Wave.
Apparently there are enough whipper-snappers out there too young to remember, so allow me to review.
In '84, your Chicago Cubs were one game from winning the pennant again. Something that had not happened since '45. Only two things stood in their way: Steve Garvey and The Wave. After winning games 1 and 2 in the Friendly Confines, our team headed to San Diego. What followed was an epic and tragic series of events. The Padres took the next three games to steal our pennant.
The lasting memory for every Cub fan around to witness these events will forever be the images of foolish Padre fans doing The Wave over and over and over and over again. So please, youngsters: keep The Wave out of Wrigley Field.

Homeless at Wrigley Field

I spotted this same fella the other day with the same dang sign. I'm not sure if that proves or disproves my theory that he is - in fact - not really homeless.

wrigley field homeless 2